Chapter 11

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Kuroo's POV:
So many thoughts where rushing through my brain at that current moment. Why does she want me to come and get her? What happened? I quickly threw on a shirt and my shoes before looking for a spare key to unlock the front door. Mochi got up and sat down, staring at the cabinet near me.

I saw the spare keys and picked them up, thanking Mochi with a bow. She went back to the sitting room and I locked the front door. I started jogging in the direction of Y/N. I was panicking. And had no idea what had happened. I eventually arrive at her location and see her lying on the floor.

I rushed over to her to make sure she was ok. I had no idea what happened. Did she collapse? Did she trip? Did she get attacked? All these thoughts rushed through my mind. I leant down and began to comfort her. Then, I asked what happened.

"Hey, are you ok? What happened?" I said, nervously.

"Not really. I fell. I wasn't paying attention, I think." Y/N responded, hiding her pain.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I said, still worried.

"I'm not sure. I guess I'm just in shock." She said, trying to get up but failing.

"Hey. Don't try and move. I'll carry you home. We can look at your injuries when we get there." I said, picking her up.

I could see the pain on her face in the dim light. I knew she was hiding how much she was hurting. She wanted to be strong. I mean, I totally understand that after everything she's been through. I reassured her the whole way back that it was going to be ok.

I eventually arrived at her front door and I opened it then closed it behind the two of us. I didn't want Mochi running out so I did it quickly. I then placed Y/N on the sofa, gently so I didn't cause her any more injury. She winced slightly and I then went to look for the first aid kit. I had absolutely no idea what to do.

I couldn't find the first aid kit, so I sat in the kitchen contemplating what to do. I looked over to see Y/N had fallen asleep. I took my phone out of my pocket and debated on who to text. I didn't want to wake anyone, so I tried messaging Bokuto first.

Hey. Bokuto.
You awake?

No response. I wasn't sure who else to message. But then I remembered. I could try texting Kenma. He might be awake.

Hey. Kenma.
You awake?

My Setter:
Yes. What's up?

I err need some

My Setter:
It's 3am. What

Y/N's injured and
I don't know what
to do 😖

My Setter:
What happened?
I'm heading over

Bro. You don't have
to. She fell when she
was out jogging.
She's sleeping at the
moment, but I know
she's in pain. I want
to help, but I don't
know how. 😰

My Setter:
Calm down. I'm
on my way. I'll be
there soon. Don't
do anything. Just
find her first aid

I've been looking
for it, but I couldn't
find it.

My Setter:
It's in the cupboard
with the padlock on
it. The key is in the
pot near the door.
It should have a
fluffy pink keychain
on it.

Ok thanks.

I went over to the pot to grab the key Kenma had described and then headed back to the kitchen to unlock the cupboard. I grabbed the first aid kit and then went back to the sitting room. I waited anxiously for Kenma to get there that I kept checking my phone every minute.

Finally, someone knocked on the door so I went and answered it. I saw Kenma stood there, wearing a tracksuit and carrying a bag. I guessed he had some clothes in that bag and wasn't willing on leaving anytime soon.

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