Chapter 10

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You continued to jog and jog until you weren't really paying attention to your surroundings. You jogged and jogged and found yourself jogging up a hill. You pushed and pushed but lost your footing. You tripped and fell and tumbled down half of the hill before stopping yourself. You tried to get up. No luck. You were in too much pain.

Luckily, you had your phone on you. You went into your contacts and searched for Kuroo's number. Bingo. You tapped his contact and began to text him. But you weren't really sure what to say.

Hey. Please tell
me you're awake.

Emo Cat:
Yeah. Why? What

I err...

Emo Cat:
You what?

I need you to
come and get me.

Emo Cat:
What happened?
Where are you?

I'm on some hill.
I'm not quite sure
where though.

Emo Cat:
Erm. Is there a way
to send your

Lemme try.
(Current location)

Emo Cat:
Ok. I'm on my way.

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