Chapter 5

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You start to head out of the gym and begin to walk home with Kuroo. By this point, you're both silent until you start the conversation this time.

"So. Kuroo. What er do you do in your spare time?" You ask, trying to hide back your rose-coloured face again.

"Oh nothing much. Just hang out with Kenma. What about you?" Kuroo asks, as curious as always.

"Oh me? Well. I er. I just play guitar and practise volleyball. That's all. Nothing special." You respond, staring at the sky.

"What do you mean nothing special? You
can play guitar?! You have to play for me some day!" Kuroo says like an excited kid on their birthday.

You start to blush at the realisation that he asked you to play a song for him some day. You weren't really sure what to say as the tone of his voice makes you speechless.

You continue walking in silence until Kuroo stops walking. You walked on a little further before realising. You weren't sure why he stopped but he just did.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" You turn around and ask.

"Nothing. I just..." He paused. "Actually. Come here a sec." He continues.

You don't know why he stopped or why he wants you to go to him. But what you do know is it could be for any reason.

You begin to walk over to him when he pulls you closer and picks you up. You start to blush as you have no idea what's going on. He brings you closer, and closer and eventually leans in and kisses you. Your face turns bright red like a tomato, and you lose all logic and reason.

He put you down and realised what he just did and starts to blush slightly as well.

"I'm sorry. I should've asked first." Kuroo said apologetically.

"No. No it's fine. You don't have to apologise." You reply.

You then proceed to walk in silence as you can't muster anything to say after the exhilarating moment that just took place.

Kuroo eventually stops again and this time you stopped as well.

"This is my house. I'll er see you tomorrow?" Kuroo asks without seeming too pushy.

"Er yeah sure." You respond.

You keep on walking until you arrive at your house. You get your key out of your pocket and unlock the door.

"Mum. I'm home." You call out, but don't receive a response in return.

You realise that you've fallen into that habit again of calling out to your mum. It's something you've been doing ever since she passed away. You dropped to your knees and began to sob. You missed your mum so much and wished she was still with you.

After a couple minutes of sobbing at your doorstep, you feel a ball of fluff brush against your leg. You lift your head from your hands and realise it's your dog, Mochi.

"Oh hi Mochi. Lemme get you some food." You say to the dog in a soft tone.

Forever is a long time (Kuroo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now