Chapter 16

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As soon as you entered your apartment, he whisked you off of your feet and carried you to the sofa. He took his shoes off and then removed yours. You just sat there, still trying to disguise your pain. You just put on a fake smile to disguise it. But Kuroo could see through it. Could see through your disguise.

"You don't have to hide it. I'm here to help you." Kuroo said, smiling at you.

"I-I know. But I'm used to being alone. I'm used to looking after myself. I'm used to having no-one." You said before beginning to cry your heart out.

Kuroo's POV:
As soon as she said those words, I froze in my tracks. I wish I could've been there for her sooner. She felt so lonely. I didn't know what to do. So, I just hugged her. And I didn't let go. I was debating whether to say anything or not. But I just kept quiet. I couldn't say everything was going to be alright. Cos I didn't know if it would.

After a while, she began to relax a bit in my arms. To my surprise, it was because she fell asleep. I gently moved away and lay her down on the sofa. I noticed the prescription on the table and picked it up. I went to the door and put on my shoes before walking to the nearest pharmacy. I didn't want to leave her alone. But, she needed me. She can't keep hiding behind a disguise. I... I want her to feel safe around me. I want her to know I care.

Your POV:
I woke up suddenly to Mochi licking my face. I called out Kuroo's name. No response. Then I looked at the table. He must've gone out. I sat up on the sofa, slowly as I was in so much pain. I didn't want Kuroo to see me this way. I don't want him to see me so... So vulnerable.

A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts. I looked around for the crutches and found them on the floor near the sofa. I got up, putting all my weight on them. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. It was Suga. He seemed to be in shock.

"Hey. I came by to see how you were doing." He paused. "Oh my, Y/N what happened?" He added, worry filled his voice.

"I-I had a fall yesterday." I said, looking at the floor.

"Oh my. Are you ok? Do you have someone looking after you? Do you need anything?" He said, worry still filling his voice.

"Suga. I'll be ok. I have a really close friend of mine looking after me for the week." I replied, slightly blushing at the fact I called Kuroo a close friend. He seemed like more.

"Ok. Wait. You mean your crush is looking after you for a week?" He said, slightly more relaxed.

"Wait. How did you know?!" I said slightly panicked.

"You blushed when you said it." He said.

"Err..." I couldn't think of a response.

"Do they like you back?" He asked, curiously.

"I. I don't actually know. I've never had the guts to ask him." I respond, looking at the floor.

"I'm sure it will come to light in due time. Anyway. I've gotta go. See you, Y/N. Please look after yourself." He said as he left.

I didn't know what to do. His words still ringing in my ears. "I'm sure it will come to light in due time." Why is Suga so good with words?! I hobbled back inside and closed the door. I retired to the sofa, before hearing another knock on the door. It was Kuroo. Holding a bag of shopping?

Forever is a long time (Kuroo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now