Chapter 4

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You eventually arrive at the boys' gym and see that they've already started their training. You put your bags down and go and change into your gym clothes. You eventually come back and step onto the court. Kuroo decides he must make a scene and stop their training to introduce you to everyone else.

"Guys this is Y/N. They're going to be joining us today." Says Kuroo with a smug look on his face because he could tell you don't like being the centre of attention.

You sigh. Then begin to add to what Kuroo said and what he neglected to mention. "Hi. As Kuroo already said I'm Y/N. I'm the captain of the girls' volleyball team and I'm a Spiker, but I could easily change to being a Setter or Libero if something were to happen." You say while staring at the gaping mouths of most of the boys on the court.

You then go to Kuroo and ask him what you should do.

"Hey. Are you doing practice matches today?" You ask, awaiting his answer. You find it weird asking someone else what you're supposed to be doing as your used to people asking you.

"Oh. That's actually a good idea. I didn't think of that. You said you could play any position, right? I'll just split everyone into 2 teams, see where you can slot in." He says, shock riddles your face as you were asking an honest question, you weren't expecting him to take your idea into consideration.

"Yh. Sounds like a good idea." You say in response, still shocked that he accepted your question as a suggestion.

"Ok everyone, we're going to do a practise match today. Get into 2 smaller teams and then we'll set up." Kuroo says, easily gaining the attention of his team.

You continue to gaze at him as he's able to get the attention of his team so easily. You continue staring until Kenma comes up to you, waving his hand over your face.

"Hey. Y/N. We're supposed to get into teams, remember? We're a person short, wanna join us?" Kenma says, the look on his face roughly translates to, "I know what you're thinking".

You quickly come back to reality and realised you zoned out; your eyes were too busy tracing Kuroo's body.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. I'd love to. Which player are you short on?" You ask Kenma, hoping he didn't pick up on the fact that you zoned out as that's normally the thing he does when he's too concentrated on his video game.

"We don't have a Libero. Are you ok to play that position?" Kenma asks, not wanting to force you into anything.

"Yh sure that's fine. Did you forget I can play all positions?" You respond, jokingly.

You then head over to the court with Kenma and proceed to play a really long practise match in which yours and Kenma's team won.

"Alright!" You screamed in excitement while proceeding to high-five everyone on your team.

"You know. You're a really good volleyball player Y/N." Kuroo said as he walked over to you to congratulate you on your win.

You start to blush, and you immediately look at the floor. At this point, you wouldn't be surprised if Kenma picked up on this.

"Th-Thank you." You said trying not to blush even more. "Well I-I'm gonna go home now." You continued, still trying to hide the fact that you're blushing.

"W-Wait Y/N I'll walk you home." Kuroo said, trying to stop you from leaving.

"Erm... O-Ok sure." You said.

"Oh My God! Oh My God! The person I have a crush on is walking me home. What do I say when we're walking?! What do I do?! Should I just be myself?! Argh! I'm panicking and blushing way too much!"

"Hey. Y/N. You coming?" Kuroo said, dragging you away from your daydream.

"Oh. Yh. Sorry I got distracted." You respond, trying to hide your rose-coloured face.

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