Chapter 8

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"I'm staying for the night." Kuroo said, seriously.

"Kuroo you-" You said before being interrupted.

"I am not taking no for an answer." Kuroo said, seriously again.

"But where are you going to sleep? This is a 1-bedroom apartment." You say to him.

"I'll sleep on your couch." Kuroo said, shrugging his shoulders.

"No. I am not having you sleep on my couch. I'll take the sofa and you can take my bed." You said, smiling at him.

"Nope. I'll take your sofa. And I am not taking no for an answer." Kuroo said.

"I suggest you just listen to Kuroo. You're not gonna win this argument Y/N." Kenma said.

"Ok. Fine. Hand over your plate and glass, I'll go wash them." You said, standing up.

"Nope. I'm washing them." Kuroo said, standing up as well.

You couldn't win. You gave up and just let him do it. You sat back down on the sofa, and like that you fell asleep immediately. Kenma decided to take his leave and left you in the safe (ish) hands of Kuroo.

Kuroo's POV:
I finished washing the 2 dishes and went back into the sitting room to find Y/N sleeping. All that crying must have made her tired. I was debating about what I should do. I looked over at Mochi to see if she'd help but she just sat there. I wasn't sure if Y/N was a heavy sleeper or not. I looked over at Mochi again and she stood up and went and pulled on her trouser leg. Y/N didn't move.

I decided to pick her up and carry her to her bed. I walked slowly and quietly before arriving in her bedroom. It was really small and extremely tidy. I pulled the duvet back and placed her in her bed. Then tucked her in. I then went back to the sitting room and was about to sleep when I forgot to ask where the blankets were. I grabbed my phone and asked Kenma.

Tuesday 9th June - 9:30pm

Hey. Where does
Y/N keep her

             My Setter:
             In the cupboard
             near her room.
            Wait why are you
            asking me?

She fell asleep
before you left.

            My Setter:
            Oh yeah. Also,
            Mochi gets fed
            near midnight.
            So, just to let
            you know.

Oh ok. Has Y/N
ever spoken
about her mum
to you before?

            My Setter:
            Yeah. That was
           the second time
           I heard that story.
           It feels more
           painful the more
           she tells it.

Yeah. I know what
you mean.

           My Setter:
           Oh. 1 other thing.


            My Setter:
            There's a big
            possibility that she
            might wake up
            more than once
            during the night.
            Since she lost her
           mum, she's been
            having trouble

Ok. I'll keep an
eye out for it.

My Setter:
Oh and she'll most
           likely go on a run at
           either 1am or 3am.
           Don't try to stop her.
Let her go. It helps
her clear her head
that way.

Eh? Ok. I won't try
to stop her. Night

My Setter:
Night Kuroo.

I put my phone down and went to go find a blanket. I eventually found one and retired to the sofa. I lay down and eventually fall asleep.

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