Chapter 18

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Your POV:
Kuroo carried me to my room and placed me gently on the bed before tucking me in. Making sure I was comfy before leaving. I blushed a little at his generosity. I mean, he chose to miss a whole of week of school to look after me. And we haven't even known each other that long. Yet, I shared my first kiss with him. I wanted to tell him my feelings. But I didn't know how to.

So, I got out my phone and went into the group chat. I wasn't going to message all 4 of them, I just wanted a certain someone's number. Bingo. I copied Akaashi's number and pasted it into a separate message. I felt like he would be the perfect person to go to for this kind of thing.

Wednesday 10th June - 4:14pm
                                               Unknown Number:
                                               Hey Akaashi. It's me,
                                               Y/N. Kenma and
                                               Kuroo's friend. I'm so
                                               sorry for bothering
Oh hi Y/N. How are
you feeling? You're
not bothering me,
it's ok. What's up?
                                                   I'm doing. Well. Ok
                                                   now. So, I wanted
                                                   some advice.
Hmm? About what
may I ask?
                                                                      Love. 😅
Ah. It's Kuroo,
isn't it?
                                                      What?! Why do
                                                      people pick up on
                                                      these things so
                                                      quickly?! 😩
I mean, he did offer
to look after you and
miss school for a
week. So what's
troubling you?
                                             I want to tell him. But
                                             I don't know if he feels
                                             the same way. 😥
I'm sure it will come to
light in due time. Don't
test the waters. Let it
just naturally happen.
                                              I swear. You and Suga
                                              must be connected
What do you mean?
                                            He said the same thing
                                            to me not too long
                                            ago! 😤
Oh. Really? Huh.
                                                       Yeah. So I just let
                                                       it play out?
Yes. That's the best
course to take. You
don't want to rush
things. Especially if
it's one-sided.
                                                   True. Thank you so
                                                   much Akaashi. 🙌
Really. It's nothing.
I have to go. Bokuto
is bugging me.
                                                     Ok. Good luck. 🍀
                                                     Bye. 👋

I felt relieved with the sound advice I had received. I was about to doze off when I remembered I hadn't fed Mochi. Kuroo had carried me to my room so I didn't have my crutches. I contemplated getting up anyway. And I did. I wobbled a bit but eventually found my balance. I then realised how on earth was I to do anything in the night if I had to hobble around and lean on walls. I felt my body start to feel weak. I leant against the wall and saw Kuroo in front of me.

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