Chapter 13

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Kenma's mum eventually arrived and knocked on the front door. Kenma went to open it and let her in. She walked over to the sitting room and saw us sat there, hugging. She cleared her throat and I immediately let go. I then picked up Y/N and carried her to Kenma's mum's car. We all got in and began the drive to hospital.

Kenma sat in the front, and I sat in the back with Y/N, who was again sleeping. Kenma's mum looked back and saw Y/N sleeping and asked me to wake her up.

Third Person POV:
You eventually arrived at the hospital, against your decision. Kuroo got out first and went to go and find a wheelchair. Kenma then got out and helped him. They eventually found one and Kuroo lifted you out of the car and into it. Kenma's mum drove off and went to go and find a parking space while the 3 of you waited.

"Guys. You seriously don't have to be here at..." You paused and looked at the time on your phone. "At 4am. Go home." You said, reluctantly being there in the first place.

"No. I'm not leaving until I know you are ok." Kuroo said.

"Mhm." Kenma added in agreement.

Kenma's mum returned, and Kuroo pushed your wheelchair into the emergency department. You then went up to the desk where a nurse asked the relation between Kenma's mum, and you.

Since you didn't really have any family nearby, Mrs. Kozume was left with all the forms and decision making. After a while, a nurse came out and wheeled you into a room with lots of beds. She and another nurse gently lifted you out of the wheelchair and into the bed.

After a while of waiting, a doctor appeared and started to check you over. You were clearly in a lot of pain, so the doctor gave you something to help with it.

Forever is a long time (Kuroo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now