Chapter 3

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Your day seemed to drag on forever until it was finally lunch time.

Tuesday 9th June - 12:00pm

Other Captain:
Hey. Is Owl-head
and Akaashi
gonna join us
for lunch as well?

No. They don't
go to Nekoma.
They go to

Other Captain:
Oh ok. So I guess
it's just you, me
and Kuroo. What

Usual table.

Other Captain:
Oh ok.

Wait I see you.

You sit down with Kenma and Kuroo but you're unsure of the other 2 people sat at your table. You look at Kenma who doesn't realise you're looking at him. You eventually nudge Kenma so that he realises you've been looking at him.

"Hm. Oh sorry." Kenma says. You realise he probably zoned out.

"Who are they?" You ask quietly, slightly pointing at the other 2 people sat on the same table as all of you.

"Oh. That's..." Kenma says before Kuroo buts in.

"This is Yaku and Lev. They're on the same volleyball team as me and Kenma." Kuroo says, Kenma staring at him with a mean glare.

"Oh ok. Well then, hi I'm Y/N." You say to them, holding out a hand to greet them.

"Hi." Says Yaku.

"Hello." Lev adds.

You continue to eat lunch when Kuroo decides he doesn't like the silence so he begins a conversation everyone can get involved in.

"So. Y/N. What position in volleyball do you play?" Kuroo asks. Both Kenma, Lev and Yaku look up from their food to hear your answer. The word "volleyball" probably sparked the interest of Yaku and Lev.

"Oh. I'm a Spiker. But I could play any position if I wanted to." You say while taking a bite of your onigiri.

"Seriously?!" Says Lev. You seem to have gained his full attention. Same as Kenma's and Kuroo's.

"Yh. I've trained a lot so I can play any position. So if the team I play with only has 1 setter and they get injured or become tired, I could easily step in." You say. The look on all of their faces screams at you to keep on speaking as if you're telling them an interesting story.

"You have to come train with us after school." Says Kuroo, eagerly.

"Y/N already asked me if they could." Replies Kenma.

After School:
Kenma had told you to meet outside your form room but you hadn't seen him yet. You told yourself if you didn't see him in the next 5 minutes you're going to head to the girls practice.

"Hey! Y/N! I've been looking all over for you!" Says a friendly voice, almost out of breath as they spoke.

As they begin to get closer you realise who it is.

"Oh Ayaname! Hi. Why have you been looking for me?" You ask, waiting for her to catch her breath.

"For volleyball training silly. You're the captain remember?" Ayaname remarks.

You forgot to tell her that you are training with Kuroo and Kenma today. You then slap your hand on your forehead cos you forgot to tell Ayaname.

"Oh shoot. I forgot. I forgot to tell you that I'm training with Kenma's team today." You say.

"You are aware Kenma isn't the captain of the boys' team? But oh well, I guess if your gonna train with the boys' team I'll tell Mika that she's gonna have to step in today. I'm sure she'll understand. You should've told me sooner." Ayaname says, she seems cross with you.

"I'm sorry." You say sincerely.

"Also why are you waiting outside the form room?" Asks Ayaname, almost as if she forgot she was mad at you.

"I'm waiting for Kenma. If he isn't here in the next 5 minutes, I'm going to normal training." You respond.

"Well, you call him, and he shall appear. He's over there." Ayaname says, laughing at her own joke.

"Thanks. Bye." You say, trying to hold back your laughter.

You start to walk over to Kenma so you can head to the gym and train with him.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Kenma said.

"Nah. It's fine." You respond.

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