Chapter 19

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Kuroo's POV:
I saw Y/N leaning on the wall and I immediately went over to her. I wasn't sure what she was doing walking around. Then I remembered her crutches where still in the living room. I quickly went into the living room and grabbed them, then went to her aid.

"You shouldn't be walking around you know. You need to rest." I said, seriously.

"I know. But I forgot to feed Mochi." She deadpanned.

"I've already done that. Stop stressing yourself. I'm looking after you here ok?" I said, looking into her (eye colour) eyes.

"I-I know. I guess I'm just so used to looking after myself." She said, looking at the floor.

I reassured her that everything was ok and brought her back to her room. She can be so stubborn sometimes. But I'm glad she's letting me look after her. I was so worried when she texted me that she fell. But I was glad she trusted me. I. I guess. I guess I like her. I started to panic when I said that and immediately went to find my phone. I clicked on the first person and began asking them for advice.

Wednesday 10th June - 5:00pm
                                                            Hey Bokuto. I
                                                            err need some
Bro 2:
Sure Kuroo. What's
                                                     It's err. 💞 advice.
Bro 2:
Love advice?
Bro 2:
Well. Akaashi would
say something like:
"I'm sure it will come
to light in due time.
Don't test the waters.
Let it just naturally
                                                     Yeah. I guess your
                                                     right. But what if
                                                     she don't feel the
                                                     same way? 😓
Bro 2:
If it were my advice,
I'd follow your heart.
                                                  I was asking you for
                                                  advice. Not what
                                                 Akaashi would say.
Bro 2:
Oh yeah. 😅
                                                     Ok. I'm gonna ask
                                                     her now.
Bro 2:
Good luck. 🍀
                                                          Thanks. I think
                                                          I'm gonna need
Bro 2:
K see ya.
                                                                      Bye Owl.

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