Chapter 6

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You hear a buzz coming from your school blazer, so walk over to find out what it is. You take your phone out of your blazer and see that Kenma has messaged you.

Tuesday 9th June - 7:15pm

Hey Y/N. I saw
you zoned out
today when you
were at our

Other Captain:
Oh. It was
nothing. I er
just got
that's all.

Hm. There's
something you're
not telling me Y/N.
What is it?

Other Captain:
He kissed me.

Wait. What?

Other Captain:
Kuroo. He
kissed me. Pls
don't tell him
that you know.

But wait. Oh
My God! You
have a crush
on Kuroo!

Other Captain:
What! No!
That's not
true! 😳

Then why'd you
send 😳?? You
do don't you??

Other Captain:
Ok. Ok you got
me. Maybe I
do. But I can't
ask him out.
He's way out
of my league.

You put your phone down. Kenma was right. You did have a crush on Kuroo. You went into your kitchen and began making dinner for yourself. Since your mum passed away and your dad was longer around, you were used to looking after yourself. You grabbed the leftover noodles that you had in your fridge and began to heat them up. You went back to your phone to see if you had any new messages.

Tuesday 9th June - 7:30pm

Hey, erm Y/N. You
alright? I didn't mean
to pry earlier.

Other Captain:
I err, I guess. But

Yes Y/N?

Other Captain:
I did it again. I
called out to her.
Since I lost her, I've
been doing it a lot

Hey, it's ok. Do you
want me to come

Other Captain:
Erm... Yeah that
would be nice.

Can I bring a friend?
Two might be better
than 1.

Other Captain:
Yeah sure.

Kenma's POV:
As soon as Y/N said she fell into her old habit, I immediately tried to make sure everything was ok. It clearly wasn't, so I gathered some things and ran downstairs to tell my parents I would be heading to Y/N's place for the night. I grabbed my coat and started to head out of the house. I pulled out my phone and texted Kuroo.

My Setter:
Hey, Kuroo. You

No, why?

My Setter:
I'm heading to
Y/N's place.

Ok? What's the

My Setter:
Something happened
so I'm heading to Y/N's
to help. And I'm allowed
to bring a friend, so...

Yeah sure I'll come.
Where should I meet

My setter:
I'll head to yours.

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