Prologue (Edited)

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Captain Salandiel

I write this letter on behalf of Elves, Men and all the free folk that abide within Middle Earth.

The forces of Sauron grow stronger and the threat of war lingers thick in the air. I summon you, along with other great leaders and warriors of Middle Earth, to a council here in Rivendell. Your wisdom shall be of great service to us. As I write this letter I fear we are running out of time and that devastation shall be upon all of us in days to come. 

Please do not linger. 

Ride with haste.

Lord Elrond

Author's note: Hey everyone! Thanks so much for clicking on my story. This is a first time thing for me and I really don't intend for this to be a huge thing. I just had this idea in my head and felt the need to put it down somewhere.

I am going to be taking a bit of poetic license throughout but will try to stick close to the original because the original is obviously the greatest piece of literature known to man.

All original characters and story lines belong to J.R.R Tolkien but new characters and story lines are my own creation.

If you like it so far please leave a comment or a like and I might just carry on writing it.

Hope you all have a great day, much love!

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