Chapter 22-Osgiliath (Edited)

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For many nights and days, Salandiel rode hard and fast. As she drew nearer to the realm of Gondor, she felt her heart beat faster. It had been many years since she had last seen the magnificence of her home country and she knew not what to except. The only thing that she was certain of was that she knew she would not be welcomed back warmly. The reminder of her punishment, should she step back into Gondor, loomed over her head but that thought did not set her off her course.

With all that had happened, Salandiel felt her mind racing. Should she have left Edoras so hastily? Was it wise to disobey Gandalf's orders? Should she have said those last words to Aragorn?

Salandiel shut out that last thought of Aragorn. What he had meant to her mattered no more.

With her mind steadfastly set on the one task that lay ahead of her, Salandiel did not even think of the greater war that surrounded her and of the part that she would still have to play in the bigger scheme of life.


Aragorn sat waiting, watching. He knew that he was to trust Gandalf in his wisdom, but the last words of Salandiel had struck him deeply. Should he not have ridden to Minas Tirith as well?

His thoughts turned once more to his relationship with Salandiel. The trust and bond that they had formed through everything seemed to have been shattered with their parting words and he felt his heart ache for her. Despite her faults, Salandiel really had changed him and ignited something within him that he had not felt before. He thoughts slowly turned to Arwen and how she was always a constant in his life, so secure and stable, but with Salandiel he felt different. She was so passionate and her fierce loyalty to her friends, country and people was something he so admired.

Aragorn put his hands to his head and sighed in frustration, not knowing what to do or what to think. He looked into the distance, searching for answers and that is when his eyes caught a faint light in the distance. As he looked closer Aragorn felt his spirits lift once he realised that the light was a beacon.

With great speed, Aragorn sprinted to the Great Hall and burst through the doors. 

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!" he shouted.

Theoden and his generals turned to face Aragorn.

"Gondor calls for aid," said Aragorn, hoping that Theoden would answer the call.

Tense silence filled the air. Would Theoden ride to Minas Tirith?

Theoden broke the silence. 

"And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!"


After riding through a river and into the realm of Gondor, Salandiel came to stop on a hill that overlooked the Great White City. Salandiel halted for a moment to take in the magnificence of the city and let her eyes eat up the sight that she had longed to see for so many years.

"Minas Tirith," breathed out Salandiel to herself in awe, "City of Kings."

She reached down to pet her horse. 

"Well done my friend," she said kindly, "We made it."

Salandiel took a deep breath and prepared to ride towards the city, but her eyes caught the sight of smoke rising from the city of Osgiliath. Not knowing what had happened to the city and despite the danger that lay ahead, Salandiel chose to turn around and make her way towards Osgiliath instead.

As she drew nearer, she dismounted her horse and left him in a spot where she knew he couldn't be found. Salandiel kept to the outskirts, not wanting to be seen, and kept her hand on the hilt of her sword.

A heavy feeling lay over the city and without even seeing it, Salandiel knew in her heart that Sauron's forces had taken over the city.

Salandiel made her way into the city and looked at the devastation that surrounded her. The once great city was now in ruins having fallen into the hands of the dark Lord Sauron. But Salandiel drew her attention back to the task at hand.

Without being seen Salandiel made her way into a dark passage. At the end of the passage she heard voices. Salandiel knew that she had to leave while she still had the chance, but her curiosity won and she stalked forward to press her ear to the door and listen.

"Is the river secure?" asked a rough voice.

"Yes, Gothmog," replied another voice, "We are ready to receive the sailors."

"Good, good. The Men's forces are weak so prepare to attack tomorrow evening"

Attack? Salandiel knew that they must be talking of Minas Tirith. She wanted to leave at that point and make her way to Minas Tirith to warn Lord Denethor, but her body stayed put, wanting to hear more. Salandiel leaned in closer but she didn't realise that the door was not fully closed. Her weight pressed against the door and it inched forward.

The conversation between the two orcs stopped abruptly.

"What was that?" asked Gothmog, looking towards the sound.

Salandiel crept back hoping to escape but she was too late. As the two orcs opened the door, Salandiel sprinted down the passage and into the city.

Chaos broke out as the other orc cried out, "Get her!"

Salandiel was met by two orcs at the end of a passage but she already had her sword drawn. She met the first orc's sword with her own and deftly withdrew her dagger from her boot, throwing it into the head of the second orc. He fell to the ground with a great thud as Salandiel withdrew her other dagger and plunged it into the heart of the first orc who still had his sword locked with hers.

He fell to the ground and Salandiel quickly retrieved her daggers. She heard the sound of many footsteps following after her, their cries filled with a thirst for human blood.

Salandiel sprinted down another passage and out into the open, the orcs still behind her. She felt their thunderous running and knew that they were gaining on her. Salandiel quickly turned her head to see behind her and was caught by surprise when a dagger flew past her, just skimming her ear. She felt the warmth of her blood trickle down her ear.

The orcs drew nearer as Salandiel felt herself tire. Suddenly remembering, Salandiel turned a sharp corner and felt along the wall for a crevice. As she made her way along the wall she found what she was looking for. Before the orcs rounded the corner, Salandiel pushed onto the wall and made her way into a hidden room, the door disguised within the wall. Having been a captain and soldier for so long, she knew of the hidden doorways and passages that lay within the many cities of Gondor.

Salandiel closed the door behind her and tried to quiet her breathing in the dark room, hoping the orcs had not yet found this door. She heard their footsteps race past the door and waited until there was complete silence.

Salandiel quietly opened the door and felt relief wash over her when she saw no orcs waiting on the other side. Hearing the shouts and cries fade into the distance, she turned into the opposite direction and made her way back to her horse.

With her heart racing and the adrenaline pumping through her veins, Salandiel raced to Minas Tirith, hoping against hope that Lord Denethor would look past what had happened and listen to her.

She carried on, not knowing of the worse danger that awaited her in that great city.

Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm sorry being so bad with updating. I hit a bit of a stumble but I am back on track and I will be a lot better with updating from now on. So much is happening and the chapters are gonna be a lot more fast paced now.

What do you think of Salandiel now that she is out on her own? 

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Much love!

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