Chapter 26-Victory at Minas Tirith (Edited)

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Captain Salandiel led her soldiers right into the heart of the battle and with an unknown ferocity, the soldiers drove upon the surprised orcs. Not expecting this attack, the orcs were caught off guard and fought hard to take back the upper hand in battle. Man met orc in battle and the pungent smell of blood and sweat filled the air and the clanging of swords rung in their ears but despite their efforts to stall the inevitable, the orcs brought down the gate with a mighty push and fought their way into the city. Salandiel could see her soldiers start to doubt their actions. Was it worth it to have come out here to fight? As Salandiel slashed through the orcs with her sword, she saw something in the far distance. Salandiel wasn't the only one who's eye caught hold of the wondrous sight that appeared before them.

"King Theoden," breathed out Salandiel to no one in particular.

Gothmog's voice could be heard in the distance as he ordered the orcs to reform their ranks. A smile grew on her face as she came to realize that what she saw was, in fact, the mighty force of the Rohirrim. King Theoden proudly rode up and down the lines, encouraging his soldiers.

Mighty shouts were heard from the many soldiers and with a thrust of his sword Theoden led the charge onto the battle fields. Salandiel, even from this distance, felt the thunderous sound of the charge reverberate in the ground; the fierce faces of the Rohirrim instilling fear into the hearts of the orcs and hope into the hearts of men.

As the Rohirrim met the orcs in battle from their side Salandiel led her soldiers to attack the orcs from her side. Salandiel continued to slay orc after orc, never once tiring for the adrenaline flowed thick through her veins.

With the great leadership of Theoden, the Rohirrim were able to chase the orcs towards the river, but just as they thought that they had gained the upper hand, Theoden's attention was brought to the line of Múmukils that were making their way to battle.

Reforming the lines, the Rohirrim charged into the line of these terrifying beasts. Eomer, having formed a plan, raced towards one of the Múmukils, threw a spear into the man controlling the beast which resulted in him turning his beast into another one, killing them both. 


On the other side of the battle, Salandiel had just driven her sword through another orc when she noticed Eowyn move in front of her uncle to defend him from the Witch King. He towered over her but still she stood courageously.

"I will kill you if you touch him," said Eowyn bravely.

"Do not come between the Nazgúl and his prey," he said with a sinister voice.

Salandiel raced towards Eowyn, the only thought on her mind being that she needed to help her friend.

"Eowyn!' cried out Salandiel.

Salandiel ran in front of Eowyn but was not prepared for the blow. With a great amount of strength, the Witch King swung his arm into Salandiel's arm and sent her flying across the battlefield. He had no time for such distractions. As Salandiel hit the ground, all went black; only the searing pain in her arm being remembered.


"Late as usual, pirate scum."

By the river a group of orcs stood waiting impatiently for the ships to arrive with reinforcements but their eyes widened in surprise as Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli jumped off the ship. The orcs' eyes widened even further as the three made their way into battle followed by the unbelievable Army of the Dead. Their ghostly faces held blood lust and they made their way through the battle field and into the city, killing any orc or evil creature in their way. It was an event that was spoken of for many years after that; the story of how King Aragorn had led the the Army of the Dead into Minas Tirith and defeated the mighty forces of Sauron.


Although it was a wondrous victory, many lives were lost that day. Families searched through the fields looking for their loved ones; some of their anguished cries echoing deep into the surrounding plains. Fathers, sons and brothers were gone. Even a great king did not live to see the new dawn rising over a battle won.

Aragorn took immediately to searching for Salandiel but was held back by the King of the Dead.

"Release us," said the King of the Dead.

"Bad idea," said Gimli quietly, "Very handy in a tight spot these lads, despite the fact they're dead."

Aragorn ignored Gimli and stuck true to his word.

"I hold your oath fulfilled," said Aragorn, "Go, be at peace."

A small smile made its way onto the corpse's face and a small wind came to carry away the souls of the living dead, finally putting them to rest.

Aragorn finally went back to searching for Salandiel. Not knowing where she was, or if she had even been in the battle frustrated Aragorn immensely and he hoped with all his heart that when he found her it wouldn't be a lifeless body.


Salandiel heaved herself from the ground and let out a hoarse cough. Looking up and through the dust that had not yet settled, Salandiel could see the war was over. All the memories of what had happened before she had passed out fought their way through her foggy mind; how the orcs had attacked Minas Tirith, how she had led her soldiers into battle, the Witch King who had thrown her across the field. Ignoring the pain and bleeding of her arm, Salandiel made her way through the battle field with only one thought on her mind; Aragorn. Did he also come to fight? Where was he right now? Salandiel had no idea where to even begin but she still searched desperately through the battle fields. In the distance she saw Legolas and Gimli giving each other their scores for the day. Salandiel rushed towards them, holding her arm.

"Where is Aragorn?" asked Salandiel, desperation clear in her voice.

Legolas and Gimli looked at her, surprise written on their faces.

"So this is where you ran off to, lass?" said Gimli, "I should've known this is where you would be."

"We missed you on the battle field today," said Legolas kindly.

Salandiel sighed in frustration, trying not to be rude to her friends but desperate for answers. 

"Where is Aragorn?" she asked again.

But before either of them could reply, Salandiel saw Aragorn advancing towards her, the relief and longing evident on his face as they rushed towards each other. Without a word, Salandiel threw her good arm around Aragorn's neck and Aragorn, in turn, took her into his arms in a warm embrace. The words that they had both wanted to blurt out caught in their throats but they were content to just embrace one another silently and feel safe. After a moment that seemed to stretch for an eternity but was still too short for them, they both looked up and around at the battle field, still holding onto one another.

"You're hurt," said Aragorn, who had only just noticed the wound on Salandiel's arm.

"I'll be alright," replied Salandiel, a smile slowly forming on her face, "I'll be alright."

And standing there amongst the ruin of war, surrounded by devastation, Salandiel knew that she really was going to be alright now that she was here, once again, with Aragorn.

Author's Note: Hey there! So it's been a long time since I've written an author's note. I just wanted to say thanks again for reading this and sticking it this far with me. I have really loved this experience and I hope you have to. Just a few more chapters left of the book and I'm so excited for the next chapter in particular ; )

So what did you think of that moment between Aragorn and Salandiel? Do you think that all is forgiven?

If you liked this, please leave a vote or a comment, I would really appreciate it.

Much love!

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