Chapter 16-The Battle for Middle-Earth Begins...(Edited)

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"Fall back! Fall back!"

Salandiel's order cut through the chaos of the battle. The Uruks had stormed Helm's Deep and were making their way through the fortress, killing anyone who was in their path. Too many lives were lost and the Men and Elves were outnumbered.

Those who were still alive made their way to the Keep and in there they took to bracing the door but they knew that they would not last the night.

"The fortress is taken," cried out Theoden, who had lost all hope, "It is over."

Aragorn turned to him and spoke fiercely 

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it."

Aragorn continued to brace the gate whilst the others followed suit. Salandiel looked at Aragorn. She knew that they would not be able to defend themselves, there was no possibility, but if Aragorn continued to fight she knew that she would fight alongside him.

Salandiel was helping Aragorn place a large piece of wood against the doors when she asked him quietly, "We may not last the night, but surely the women and children can be saved somehow?"

Aragorn knew that she was right and so he turned to Theoden.

"Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" asked Aragorn, "Is there no other way?"

Theoden could not find the strength to speak, too lost in his despair, so Gamling replied. 

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-Hai are too many."

They heard the sound of the Uruks on the other side of the door and knew that they were on the brink of breaking it down.

Aragorn turned to Gamling.

"Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass," ordered Aragorn, "And barricade the entrance!"

Theoden cried out mournfully. 

"So much death! What can Men do against such reckless hate?"

"Ride out with me," said Aragorn, "Ride out and meet them."

Aragorn looked on at Theoden with urgency. He felt his heart stop for a moment, wondering if Theoden would take up arms and ride out with him. 

A light started to shine within Theoden's eyes as remembered all of his past victories. Times when all the odds were against him, times when the eye of the enemy looked mockingly at him, taunting him, yet still he rode out to battle. This was also such a time. The moment for him to step up as a king and lead his men into victorious battle. 

"For death and glory," said Theoden.

"For Rohan," said Aragorn, "For your people."

Salandiel looked on in wonder as Aragorn rallied the soldiers together one last time. She turned her head and saw the rays of the sun beaming through a window.

"The sun is rising," exclaimed Salandiel, remembering the last words of Gandalf before he rode out. Aragorn turned to look at her and a moment of understanding moved between the two of them. Salandiel felt her heart start to rise with hope.

"Yes, yes," started Theoden who seemed to grow taller and prouder, "The horn of Helm Hammerhead shall sound in the Deep one last time."

With new vigour and hope, Gimli sprinted up a stairway to blow the mighty horn of Helm Hammerhead. Its sound blasted through the air, filling the Uruks with dread and the Men with hope.

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