Chapter 7-Journey down the Anduin River (Edited)

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"Lembas. Elvish waybread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man," said Legolas, holding up a piece and showing it to Merry and Pippin.

The company had spent the night within the borders of Lothlórien, safe from danger and away from harm, but the company knew that they had a quest to finish and so they spent the morning packing supplies into the boats that they were going to travel in down the Anduin River. Whilst Salandiel was gathering her supplies, she picked up on the conversation that Legolas, Merry and Pippin were having.

Legolas walked away from Pippin and Merry. 

"How many did you eat?" asked Merry.

"Four," remarked Pippin.

Salandiel could not help but chuckle at that. Those two hobbits always somehow brought a smile to her face. Salandiel dug around in her supplies, retrieved what she wanted and sauntered over to the two hobbits. She knelt down and snuck a few extra pieces of Lembas into their supplies.

"Here, I thought you might want some extra for the journey," she said to them with a soft smile.

Merry and Pippin looked at her in surprise. This was the first time they had spoken with her on this journey. The hobbits thought she was aloof and distant; she was always sitting away from the group. With another soft chuckle, Salandiel turned away from them and went back to preparing her supplies. Soft laughter was heard from behind her.


During this time, Celeborn and Aragorn walked among the trees, deep in conversation.

"Every league you travel south, the danger will increase," warned Celeborn. "Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank." 

Celeborn turned to face Aragorn fully and spoke with urgency. 

"Strange creatures bearing the white hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do orcs journey in the open under the sun, yet these have done so." 

Celeborn handed Aragorn a dagger. 

"Le aphadar aen (You are being tracked)," said Celeborn, "By river you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Fall of Rauros."


The Fellowship, with their boats at hand and their supplies packed, were now ready for the journey ahead. But before the company set out they gathered in front of Galadriel to be presented with gifts. All members were presented with grey, Elvish coats that were clipped in the front by a beautiful, leaf brooch. One by one, Galadriel spoke to each member of the company.

Legolas was presented a bow made with beautiful craftsmanship. 

"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

Legolas looked at his bow in wonder and Galadriel proceeded to present Merry and Pippin with daggers.

"These are the daggers of Noldorin. They have already seen service in war." 

Pippin's face showed fear and Galadriel turned to him.

"Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

The Lady Galadriel walked to Sam and presented him with Elven rope.

"And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain."

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