Chapter 4-The Mines of Moria (Edited)

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The mist covered the rocky valley like a blanket, thick and unmoving.

"Frodo, come and help an old man," said Gandalf as he put his arm around Frodo and continued walking. Gandalf continued to speak to Frodo in a hushed tone, so low that the rest of the company could not hear what was said.

They continued to walk and all of the Fellowship could feel the ominous air that surrounded them; all except for Gimli.

"Ah! The walls of Moria!" Gimli exclaimed proudly. 

Just before them a great, sheer cliff face appeared. 

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed," remarked Gimli.

Gimli tapped his axe on the wall, feeling the excitement within him grow as he drew closer to his beloved mine.

"Yes Gimli!" said Gandalf, "Their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" said Legolas sarcastically.

Beside them was a dark, eerie lake.

At last Gandalf stopped and ran his hand over the smooth part of the wall. 

"," spoke Gandalf, "Let me see...Ithildin." 

His hands brushed away the dirt to reveal the patterns in the stone. 

"It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." 

Gandalf looked up to the sky to see the clouds move away from the moon. Salandiel stood in awe as the beautiful light of the moon shone brightly on the ornate door and revealed the elvish writing which was written on the arch. 

Gandalf pointed his staff to the writing as he read the ancient writing aloud.

"It reads," said Gandalf, "'The Door of Durin, Lord of Moria, speak Friend and enter'".

"What do you suppose that means?" wondered Merry aloud.

"Oh it's quite simple," responded Gandalf, "If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open." 

He turned back to the door, held his staff against the star and spoke with a flourish. 

"Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen! (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)"


Gandalf looked confused but cleared his throat, lifted up his hands and with another flourish he spoke once more. 

"Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen (Doorway of the Dwarf-folk, listen to the word of my tongue)"

More silence.

"Nothing's happening," whispered Pippin.

Gandalf walked up to the door and tried to push it, grumbling and frustrated.

"I once knew every spell in all the tongues of elves, men and orcs."

"What're you going to do then?" asked Pippin.

"Knock your head against these doors Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them and I'm allowed a little peace from foolish questions I will try to find the opening words," said an exasperated Gandalf.

Everyone understood that this meant they had to leave the wizard alone to think. They all scattered themselves to sit amongst the rocks. Salandiel took to cleaning her sword once again, a habit she had picked up from her father. From her spot she could see Aragorn talking kindly to Sam as they let the pony go. Salandiel could not seem to understand this man. She tried to feel anger towards him; after all, he did abandon his home country and his people, but he looked kind and many seemed to respect him. Her eyes followed him as he walked towards Merry and Pippin who were throwing rocks into the lake and noticed how he warned them not to do that. Salandiel knew very well that one should not disturb unknown waters; who knew what monsters lay waiting in the depths? Ripples started to appear in the water and Aragorn was joined by Boromir who looked at the water with concern. Salandiel was also about to wander over there but her attention was drawn away by Frodo and Gandalf.

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