Chapter 25-The Siege of Gondor (Edited)

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The thunderous marching of the orcs grew louder as they made their way to Minas Tirith. As they marched on they wheeled large weapons that served only one purpose; to cause destruction and bring doom upon man. Chaos ensued as soldiers prepared to fight, following the orders of Gandalf who had stepped up in place of Lord Denethor.

Gothmog, the orc that Salandiel had spied on in Osgiliath, dismounted from his warg and limped to give his orders.

"Fear," he croaked out with a satisfied smirk, "The city is rank with it! Let us ease their pain."

He turned to a group of orcs. 

"Release the prisoners!" he ordered.

The orcs released the catapults, sending the heads of fallen soldiers over the wall of Minas Tirith. The soldiers who saw the heads recoiled in horror. What terror was about to be unleashed on this great city? What horrors awaited those who were still alive to face the onslaught of Sauron's forces?

"Prepare for battle!" cried out Gandalf, "Hurry men! To the wall! Defend the wall! Return to your posts!"

As he cried out his orders, the orcs continued their assault on the city, but now using boulder and rock to catapult into the walls of the city. Walls were broken and defences were weakened, but still the men of Gondor fought back. The men, in turn, used the rubble to catapult back into the orc army, killing many in the process but this still did nothing to weaken the mighty army that was still advancing towards them.

Boulders continued to fly back and forth between the two armies, neither one ceasing until the horror of the Ringwraiths was unleashed. Their screeches pierced the ears of the men and soldiers tried to hide away from them but still the fell beasts swooped many soldiers into their grasps and dropped them to their deaths. 

"Hold them back!" ordered Gandalf, still rallying the soldiers to fight, "Do not give into fear. Stand to your posts. Fight!"

Archers let arrows loose, soldiers fired catapults and still the orcs continued to fight. The men were outnumbered by far and they knew that once the orcs forced their way through the gates, that all would be lost.

The thunderous chanting of "Grond, Grond, Grond," brought the soldiers' attention to the wolf-shaped contraption that would serve as a battering ram. Some soldiers made their way to the great gates that had always kept them safe from any danger of the outside world but would the gate still hold today?


Salandiel lifted her head from her knees, hearing the echoes of battle. Gathering herself and attempting to wipe away the tear stains, she ran to the window and pulled herself up again to look out onto Pellenor Field. The great number of orcs chilled her to the bones but it also awoke in her a burning rage. That rage propelled her from the window and back to the centre of her cell where she took to forming a plan.

Salandiel looked around her and tried to see what she could do. All her weapons had been taken and there was no way of opening the cell. Looking further than the bars that kept her captive, she saw some keys hanging on a wall nearby. The keys were left unattended because the guards had rushed out to join the battle.

Knowing what she was going to do, Salandiel tore a long strip from the cloak that she wore, tied a few knots and created a lasso. She threw the rope towards the keys and after a few failed attempts, Salandiel finally caught hold of the keys and they fell to the floor. Aiming again and grabbing hold of the keys with her lasso, she dragged them to her cell and reached out to grab them.

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