Chapter 27-The Houses of Healing (Edited)

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The aftermath of the war at Minas Tirith was vast and many had made their way to the Houses of Healing seeking treatment for their many wounds. Among the wounded was the mighty warrior, Eowyn, who had defeated the Witch King. Salandiel made her way into the Houses of Healing in search for bandages to put on her arm and it was then that she saw Aragorn leaning over Eowyn with a cloth and her brother, Eomer, sitting by and watching closely. Their grave faces told Salandiel all that she needed to know. Salandiel rushed to stand by Eowyn's side.

"What happened?" asked Salandiel gravely.

Eomer looked up at her, his eyes glazed over with worry.

"I found her in the battlefield," said Eomer softly, "She was so still...I thought she was dead."

"She has been severely wounded," said Aragorn as he gently wiped her forehead, "but I am certain she will be alright."

Aragorn looked into the worried eyes of Salandiel, surprised at the amount of emotion she was showing, and gave her a reassuring smile. Salandiel nodded back, retrieved some bandages and, without a word, left the Houses of Healing.

Salandiel could not understand why she had so many emotions eating away at her. Many times had she fought in battle, many times had she seen fellow soldiers die, many times had she chosen to ignore the bitter events that she had experienced as a soldier and captain. There was only one time in her life that she could recall having been truly consumed by grief but everything was different now. Salandiel thought of the friendships that she had formed in these past few months and she felt her heart tighten at the thought of any of her friends going out and dying in battle.

The bleeding from her arm brought Salandiel out of her reverie and she made her way into her old chambers. A wave of memories hit her as she remembered her life before she was banished; she was different person then.

Salandiel walked onto the balcony and looked up at the night sky, the light of the stars bringing a glimmer of hope. From the balcony she had a perfect view of the city. Many times had she stood upon that balcony drinking in the feel of the city; looking at the bustling people, smelling the wondrous aroma of fresh bread from a bakery down the road, hearing the children laughing and playing as their mothers chattered endlessly with one another.

You see all these people? They are the ones we fight for. They are the reason we go out and risk our lives in battle.

Salandiel smiled at the memory of her father who would join her out on the balcony. Looking down, she saw the streets empty and dark, the only sound being the whisper of the wind.

Salandiel sighed and made her way back into her room to sit on the bed and tend to the wound on her upper arm. Having cleaned it, she tried to wrap the bandage around it but struggled to do so.

"Dammit!" she swore quietly to herself.

"Do you need some help?"

Salandiel looked up and was startled to see Aragorn leaning in her doorway. His eyes were gentle but Salandiel chose to look away, having remembered the words she said to him before she rode to Minas Tirith.

"No, I'm alright, thank you," mumbled Salandiel.

Aragorn ignored this and went to sit on the bed by Salandiel, their knees touching. He took the bandages from her and gently wrapped it around her arm, his face quite close to hers. Salandiel was grateful for the darkness of night that covered the blush that found its way to her cheeks.

Trying to distract herself from this, Salandiel spoke. 

"How is Eowyn?" she asked.

"She is better, she woke up a few minutes ago," said Aragorn, still concentrating on the bandage.

Silence filled the air. 

Salandiel couldn't understand the reaction she was having just from the gentle touch of his hands on her arm and their knees touching. They had embraced before but never before had she felt this.

Wanting to break the awkward tension as well, Aragorn cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, having so much to say but not knowing how to say it.

Aragorn finished tying the bandage and sat back to look at Salandiel. The moon was coming through the window and illuminated half of her face. It reminded him of their first conversation in Rivendell, all those many months ago, but so much had changed between them since then. Aragorn could see the change in Salandiel; her eyes had grown softer and her face was more susceptible to a smile than it was back then. Aragorn knew in that moment that he cared for Salandiel in ways that he could never have imagined.

Also having so much to say but not knowing how to say it, Salandiel took a deep breath and spoke.

"I'm sorry."

Aragorn had been so lost in her eyes that he didn't comprehend what she was saying at first.

"Huh?" frowned Aragorn.

Salandiel looked past him, searching for the right words.

"I'm sorry for what I said before I left Edoras...I'm sorry for doubting you."

"There's no need to say sorry—"

"No, I must ask for your forgiveness," interrupted Salandiel, "You were able to conjure up the Army of the Dead as only a true King of Gondor could."

Salandiel continued to babble on, finally able to let the words flow from her.

"All this time I was doubting you even though you have proved to me over and over again how you are able to lead soldiers and armies. When Gandalf fell, you were the one to lead our small company and you were the one to lead us to victory at Helm's Deep and you were—"

Aragorn silenced her by placing a finger on her lips. The sudden contact shocked Salandiel.

"Is that all you see me as? Just a leader?"

Aragorn's voice changed when he asked that. It grew softer and more loving; more desperate.

Salandiel frowned at the strange question and wanted to reply but Aragorn's finger still lingered over her lips. Very slowly, Aragorn's hand traced the jagged scar that ran along Salandiel's face. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed of her hideous scar Salandiel turned her face away but Aragorn put his hand under her chin and slowly brought her face back.

"No, don't hide it," said Aragorn gently.

Salandiel had grown accustomed to people staring at her scar and she had mastered the art of ignoring the feeling of shame that she would always feel whenever she heard the whispers from behind her as she'd walk down the street, but as Aragorn looked at her with such love and admiration Salandiel felt something stir deep within her; she felt beautiful and loved.

She sat there frozen as Aragorn continued to trace the contours of her face. Aragorn's eyes drank in every detail of Salandiel's face and he finally gave into the feelings that he had built up over the past few months. He couldn't imagine a time when he hadn't known her or a future without her.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

Without any words passing between them, Aragorn and Salandiel felt their bodies lean forward, being pulled by an unseen force. Their lips grazed one another and Salandiel felt an unexplainable love pass between them. Aragorn's hands found their way into Salandiel's hair as he pulled her in for a deeper kiss and Salandiel rested her hands upon his chest.

Sitting there, Salandiel felt love in a way she had never experienced before. All those years of feeling like an outsider disappeared into the night sky as Salandiel melted into Aragorn's arms, finally feeling that she had found a place that she could call home.

Author's Note: Aaaaaaahhhh!!! They finally kissed! I was so excited to write this chapter and finally have them realize their feelings towards each other. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as much I loved writing it.

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Much love!

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