Chapter 15-The Battle of Helm's Deep (Edited)

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The rain started, first as one or two drops falling from the sky, and then a downpour, obscuring vision. It fell, trying to wash away evil and cleanse the ground, but still the Uruk-Hai marched on Helm's Deep. Their monstrous cries pierced the hearts of Men and Elves, their marching becoming a deep drumming and growing in pitch. Saruman's forces had only one mission; to wipe out the race of Men.

On the walls of Helm's Deep, Men and Elves stood side by side as they waited...

"You could have picked a better spot," said Gimli, trying to look over the wall.

Aragorn walked to where Gimli and Legolas were standing. They all felt their hearts racing as they looked on at the Uruk-Hai who were marching closer.

"Well lad," said Gimli, "Whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night."

"Your friends are with you," said Legolas.

Aragorn looked to the wall on the far left and there he could see Salandiel standing in front of the Rohan archers. She stood tall and proud, ready to fight. Aragorn tried to catch her eye but she stayed still looking forward.

"Let's hope they last the night," said Gimli.

Aragorn, still looking at Salandiel, said, "Yes, let us hope."

The marching of the Uruk-Hai shook the ground. Aragorn walked away from Gimli and Legolas and proceeded to shout orders at the Elf archers.

"A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas! (Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none)," commanded Aragorn.

The leader of the Uruk-Hai let out a mighty shout and halted his army. For a moment there was no noise except for the falling of the rain. One by one the Uruks pounded their spears against the ground, creating a bone-chilling rhythm.

"What's happening out there?" asked Gimli who was still trying to see over the wall.

Legolas turned to him jokingly. 

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?"

Gimli looked up and let out a great chortle.

Still the horrifying sound of the Uruks grew but it was cut short suddenly by an old man who had let his arrow slip. It flew down and killed an Uruk.

"Hold your fire!" commanded Salandiel, angry that he had let fire too soon.

But that arrow began the Battle at Helm's Deep.

All of a sudden the Uruk-Hai raced forward at full speed and the sound of the rain was drowned out by the horrifying cries of the Uruks.

"Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire!)," shouted Aragorn as he raised a hand.

Salandiel saw Aragorn give his command and she ordered her men to do the same. All the archers placed along the wall put arrows to the bow.

The Uruks came closer and that is when Aragorn gave the command;

"Hado i philinn! (Release arrows!)"

Aragorn brought his hand down with his command and Salandiel did the same on her side. Arrows rained down on the Uruks, killing many. More and more volleys were shot and more and more Uruks were killed but the arrows were not enough to hinder the mighty forces of evil.

Whilst arrows were being fired, Salandiel looked down to see the Uruks bring forth ladders. They leaned the great ladders against the wall and climbed up. She looked up to see if Aragorn had seen them but he was already running along the wall and ordering the Elves to draw their swords. The Uruks climbed over the wall and were met with the Elves who unleashed their skilful swordsmanship upon them.

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