Chapter 29-The Mouth of Sauron (Edited)

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The army from Gondor slowly marched towards the Black Gate led by their mighty King Aragorn and, by his side, their great Captain Salandiel. The vast and desolate plains spoke of years of neglect under the Eye of Sauron; too many of years of evil had seeped into this ground and sucked all good out of it leaving it with an undying thirst for life.

The Black Gate came into view and loomed over the soldiers who had stopped at quite a distance from it, leaving Aragorn, Salandiel, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, the two hobbits, Merry and Pippin, and Eomer to ride up to the entrance. The closer they rode the more they felt the cold seep into their bones. Who knew what horrors lay beyond that gate? Who could begin to understand what terrors Sauron would unleash upon them?

Bravely, Aragorn cried out with a loud voice.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!"

After a long pause the gate finally opened, revealing a hideous creature astride a horse. His helmet covered most of his face, leaving only an opening for his large gruesome mouth, dripping with blood and gore. This was the famed mouth of Sauron. The deep voice that emanated from his mouth was just as hideous as its owner.

"My Master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome."

Salandiel felt the bile rising in her throat. Never before had she felt such disgust.

"Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" continued the Mouth of Sauron.

Gandalf replied boldly.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this; The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return."

"Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee."

Pulling it out from his cloak, the Mouth of Sauron shocked everyone by showing Frodo's mithril shirt. Salandiel gasped. Surely Frodo isn't dead? she thought to herself. They would have known by now if he had failed his quest.

The two hobbits cried out in anguish for their lost friends and the evil creature took notice of this.

With evil dripping from every word, he spoke. 

"The Halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did."

As the company tried to take in these horrifying words, Aragorn rode closer to inspect this horrid creature.

"And who is this?" asked the Mouth of Sauron, only just noticing Aragorn, "Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King than a broken Elvish blade."

In an uncontrolled rage, Aragorn swept his sword and beheaded the Mouth of Sauron. The disgusting head rolled forward. Salandiel spat on it in disgust.

"I guess that concludes negotiations," said Salandiel, looking up.

Salandiel then looked into the eyes of Aragorn, seeing his distress. She shook her slightly, hoping that he would understand that she felt Frodo was not dead. Aragorn nodded back, understanding fully what she was trying to convey.

"I do not believe it," stated Aragorn to the rest of the company, "I will not."

Suddenly a great groan came from the gates. The gate slowly opened and orcs marched through them, their eyes filled with a lust for blood and death.

"Pull back!" ordered Salandiel, "Pull back!"

The company made their way back to where the soldiers awaited their next orders. As the army of orcs inched their way closer, fear captured the souls of the men, causing them to freeze.

What terror had been unleashed upon them?

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter but I needed to end it here so that it worked for the arc of my next few chapters. But don't worry, there will be another update coming very soon! Who's excited for the next chapter? Be ready for some interesting twists ; )

Much love!

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