Chapter 1-The Council of Elrond (Edited)

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"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom."

The sound of Lord Elrond's voice rung through the air. His words hung heavy on the hearts of those that sat before him. Amongst this company were great leaders, strong warriors, a powerful wizard and one lone hobbit. As they sat there the beautiful and peaceful surrounds of Rivendell belied the fact that Middle-Earth was on the brink of war.

"Bring forth the ring, Frodo," commanded Lord Elrond.

As Frodo, the lone hobbit, slowly set the ring upon the Plinth that was in front of Lord Elrond, all but a few of the company were shocked to see it. What stood before them was the one ring. Elf looked to Dwarf, Dwarf looked upon Man and all could feel the power of that single object.

Silence settled upon the company and words were lost in the air until a voice slowly spoke up. The voice belonged to Boromir, son of Lord Denethor, who had ridden far from the realms of Gondor to attend the council of Lord Elrond.

"It is a gift," he said with soft admiration and quiet cunning, "A gift to the foes of Mordor!" 

He stood up to address the council.

"Why not use this Ring?" he asked, "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at bay." 

Boromir's voice rose with conviction.

"By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!" he cried out as he ended his speech, lifting his fist.

"You cannot wield it, its power is far too great!" stated a soft voice. 

All of the council looked to the person to whom that voice belonged. It was the voice of Salandiel, the only female present at the council. She sat tall in her chair and her face beheld honour. Her fair hair and striking blue eyes showed her great beauty but that beauty was marred by the harsh, jagged scar that ran across her face. Where that scar came from, no one knew, but all of those present respected her; all except one.

"I'm surprised that Lord Elrond would invite a traitor into his company," sneered Boromir as he turned towards her.

Feeling a rage slowly build within her, Salandiel stood to meet Boromir, ready to defend her name.

"You know that I am no traitor!"

"Then why did you defy my father's orders?" shouted Boromir.

"Lord Denethor was about to send my troops into a fruitless battle!" 

Salandiel stepped close to Boromir, so close that they could feel the tension emanating from one another.

"He sent them to a worthy battle!" Boromir shouted.

"He sent them to their deaths!" Salandiel exclaimed.

"ENOUGH!" cried out Lord Elrond, "I did not invite you both here to fight over the past. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

Boromir and Salandiel fell silent but neither backed down. They both stood, shoulders proud, willing the other to back away first.

Quietly, so quiet that most of those present could not hear, Salandiel spoke to Boromir. 

"You know as well as I do that if the ring of power ends up in the hands of your father only destruction and chaos will follow."

Boromir refused to back down but a moment of understanding flickered through his eyes.

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