Chapter 30 - London

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I have finally decided on what words I feel are right for the title of this story and so I have given both stories a new cover, I hope you like them.

Please leave me your comments letting me know what you think of this chapter, if you enjoy then please include a vote. Every comment and vote is very appreciated.

I hope you enjoy this chapter & thank you for reading

Much Love Donna-Louise ❤

Eighteen days have passed since Hero walked out of our home claiming his behavior was all down to his own self destructive ways that he had been trying to overcoming but after failing to do so he had decided that he wanted his own future without me and I took a trip down my own spiraled path of self-destruction while I tried to forget about him.

Day twelve was when I finally saw for myself that Hero had not moved on with Ava like I had convinced myself and that he never would choose her again over me. The video helped to fix my heart a little and had me finally breaking my own promise to myself that I wouldn't chase him and before I could stop myself I was calling Hero letting my feelings finally unload onto him as I finally accepted that we may not get back together but also that I will never stop loving him.

The twelfth day was the last day I allowed my broken heart to dictate the destruction of my life, the night of day twelve had me finally sleeping in my own bed again.

On day thirteen I made the choice to leave university and walk towards my own future, taking myself down a new path, a path I never thought I was brave enough to go down on my own without Hero by my side.

This day brought me to the crashing reality that I should have followed my own heart four weeks ago and left university before Izzy had managed to help destroy my relationship after all the hard work, we had done to repair it all.

I spent the day with Natalie buying myself new underwear and nightwear for my fresh start, I filled my wardrobe with new clothes to help give myself the confidence boost I needed to tackle my future and when I got home I finally washed the sheets removing his scent from my bed.

The night of the thirteenth day was when I received a message from Hero and he gave away his want for me sexually and on that day I managed to lead him into having text sex with me, convincing him that sex is separate to love and just because we can't love each other doesn't mean we can't enjoy the want for each other's bodies at a distance helping each other with the fantasies that were running through our own heads.

Every night since that thirteenth day has seen Hero messaging me for our bedtime routine of teasing each other, leading each other from erotic fantasy to innocent desire until orgasms are reached and exhaustion takes over. Our wants and needs bringing out sexual desires in me that I did not even know I could ever have, after reaching highs I have never had before I fall asleep with pictures of Hero reaching his own fantasies in my dreams.

Today is day nineteen and today I have travelled to London for work, I have taken photos around the city for my dance studio, enjoying the strange looks I have been receiving as I stand on my pointes in my tutu on the streets blending the harsh city with the beauty of Ballet, loving the first style I have taken on before I will move onto more photoshoots for the different styles of dance I plan to teach back at the studio.

After I finish my shoot I decide to head back to the hotel and take some time to work through my ideas for the future of my dance school. After an hour of crunching ideas, I decide I need a break and so I try to decide what I want to do tonight that will keep me busy and away from finding Hero and moving our text fantasy to real life fantasies.

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