Chapter 57 - Lapland Part Two

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"Are you going to pout all day Hero?" after a day of making love and just talking with no distraction yesterday I am now back to waiting for Hero and his sexy pout to drag his ass out of our warm apartment and into the ice cold snow "You have until I count to three or what happened yesterday will not happen again while we are here" if I am ever struggling to get him to do what I ask I simply threaten to cut off his sex privileges and as if by magic

"You don't play fair Emily" he appears from the doorway, the snow crunching under his boots as his lanky legs carry him towards me

A smirk on my face at my victory has him rolling his eyes at me "see its not even that cold once you are used to it" I wrap my hand into his as my body fills with excitement at the activities that we have planned today but first we need to eat and after yesterday we have definitely built up an appetite.

Once we are sat in the restaurant with our soft flavoured black coffee to kick start us, we enjoy the silence just sitting and taking in our surroundings. Everything in this moment is perfect I just wish the knot in my stomach would go away the thought of Hero going away whilst Brandon is ill is silently breaking my heart but he doesn't know yet and I need to be prepared to make sure he goes as much as my heart is aching for him to be here to support me and his mate I know his career needs this movie and I will never stand in his way so anything he wants from me I will do for him.

My thoughts are broken at the sound of his rich London accent as he cheekily says, "who is he?" my eyes widen at his comment as he winks at me the cocky twinkle in his eye giving him such a young carefree mischievous look, our breakfast is placed in front of us as I open my mouth to respond instantly making me shut it again not wanting our conversation overheard.

The smell of the delicious porridge with berries wafts up taking my senses away from the conversation I was just about to hold with Hero until I hear him clear his throat opposite me, I lift my eyes back up to meet his "he is you" I state shifting in my seat not liking that I am still hiding Brandon's secret from him but knowing that I could never betray my friend and I can only hope that Hero will be able to understand that when he finds out.

"So" I begin needing to move my thoughts away from Brandon "Mimi has asked me to go into business with her" with everything else that has been going on I completely forgot to tell him about it

"Doing what?" I can understand the confusion on his face, my sister is already running the agency with Seb and I have my own stuff on

I chuckle at how crazy the idea still is to me "she has brought a bar" I screw my face up its not the right word "club" I correct myself "its got a stage and she wants me to help with it" I shrug "she will do the behind the scenes running"

"so, what will you do?" he cuts me off "sing?" I shake my head "dance?" he drops his spoon as I shake my head again "strip?" he whispers

I choke on the mouthful of porridge as my eyes pop out of my head "Jesus Hero what are you trying to do kill me?" I take a mouthful of coffee trying to ease the soreness in my throat from the coughing fit I have just struggled to contain as the other diners eyes are all on us "She wants me to choreograph for the shows, it's a burlesque lounge"

"but you won't be dancing?" he asks, I let him know that I will be behind the sense only I will still have my own dance school and the jobs with the agency that come in so there is no need for him to worry "I think it's a good idea you can get your talent seen and who knows it might get your name known for choreographing which is what you want isn't it?"

I guess he is right it was what I wanted to do and working with Mimi would be great but can I really add something else into my life with Brandon being sick and would me being involved in a burlesque lounge have a negative effect on Hero's career, I mean he is supposed to be cleaning up his image and he messes that up enough on his own without my help "I will think about it" I shrug not wanting to commit to anything right now until the new year at least.

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