Chapter 31 - Rethinking things

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I hope you enjoy this chapter & thank you for reading

Much Love Donna-Louise ❤

The last place I want to be is stood here at Brandon's door heading into yet another one of these pointless parties.

The fact that I think they are pointless and I haven't enjoyed one since I returned to London just makes my heart sink lower as I realize yet again that I really had changed I had been growing up into the man she needed me to be and maybe I could have completed that change if Ava and her bitch of a cousin hadn't ruined it all for me.

I can't drink or get high thanks to my ongoing recovery but I also don't feel like I want to anymore, I'm over the childishness of getting wasted and a night in my flat watching Emily's awful choice in tv shows and films is exactly where I would rather be.

A laugh takes over me as my supposed fresh start back in my old life because it is who I really am has only had the complete opposite effect as it's made me realize I am not this person at all I am the guy Emily always thought I was.

I believed I had been taking part in my biggest acting role with her pretending to be the perfect boyfriend but as I stand out here in the late October chill I finally accept I wasn't acting then but I am now and I really won't be winning any awards for it, this is my shittiest work to date.

But instead I will be wasting the evening drinking coke and filling my lungs with nicotine in the hope that Emily will message me soon giving me the perfect excuse to leave again for another night of pleasure via my phone.

My knuckles tap lightly against the door in the hope that no one will hear me or they will at least take forever to open it, but that hope is dissolved when it's pulled open revealing Mason, a shocked expression over his face as confusion takes over mine.

"Hero" I nod at him confirming that yes, it is me "What are you doing here?"

Is he for real? I am demanded to attend, or they will come get me and then when I arrive, they act like they don't even want me here.

"Kai text telling me to come or he would come and drag my ass here" I snap at him "so let me in its fucking freezing out here" I push him out of the way, storming my way towards the living space

"bro wait" he calls out behind me "I think you should know that..."

I push open the door before he has chance to finish what he was trying to tell me, my plan to join the party and get this crap over with freezes in time as I become routed to the spot taking in the vision in front of me, her head tipped backwards as her laughter fills the room as she stands with Brandon and Kai a big smile on her face like her heart isn't meant to be broken at all.

Mason appears behind me "Hero man maybe you should go" he places his hand onto my shoulder instantly making me jerk away from the invasion of my personal space

I scoff as I turn to face him "So, I'm guessing I wasn't invited" I watch as he shakes his head confirming what I instantly knew was true, my boys will happily cut me out for the perfect little brunette that I brought into there live in the first place.

"I'm sorry man, Brandon messaged saying she was here and invited us round"

Something inside me snaps in that moment, I look back over my shoulder at her as Brandon drapes his arm over her shoulder my whole body starts to shake with pure anger. He is touching my girl; his grubby hands are on her like she belongs to him and she is not flinching she is not trying to get away she is not making any moves whatsoever to not be that close to him. That fucker has made his move already, we have been apart for less than three poxy weeks and he is already hitting on her.

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