Meeting Misty!

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"We're almost there, okay Serena?" asked Professor Oak.

"Okay!" said Serena.

Not long after that conversation, they eventually arrive at the Professor Oak's lab.

"Here we are Serena! Hope you aren't tired from that long walk!" exclaimed Professor Oak, smiling.

"I'm not tired at all!" said Serena.

"Hi Professor!" said a feminine voice.

"Oh hi Misty!" answered Professor, smiling.

"It's been a long time since you've last visited" said Professor Oak, still smiling.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with the gym... But I'm here now! Can I see how Ash's pokémon are doing?" asked Misty.

"Oh yes, of course!" said Professor Oak.

"So that's Misty... Why does she come here to see how Ash's pokémon are doing?" thought Serena.

"Professor, who's that girl?" asked Misty, pointing to Serena.

"Me? I'm... I'm... I'm Serena... I'm a friend of Ash... I'm here to see some of his pokémon too!" said Serena while interrupting her thoughts and blushing.

"Serena? I've never heard that name before... How long have you been travelling with Ash?" asked Misty.

"Oh... I travelled with Ash throughout the Kalos region, it was pretty great! We had a very good time!" answered Serena, blushing.

"That makes sense... By the way, I'm Misty, I travelled with him through all the Kanto region and the Johto region, nice to meet you!" exclaimed Misty, smiling.

"She travelled with him for 2 regions!?" thought Serena while getting jealous.

"Misty is also a gym leader!" exclaimed Professor Oak.

"Wow, that's impressive, Misty!" said Serena, smiling nervously.

"So Serena, why do you want to see Ash's pokémon?" asked Misty.

"I want to be able to learn how his pokémon feel... Because he definitely has a different conection with all his pokémon!" said Serena, smiling and blushing lightly.

"That's for sure..." said Misty.

"What about you? Why do you want to see Ash's pokémon?" asked Serena with a little jealousy.

"Oh, that's simple... Ash goes on a lot of journeys... That means he catches a lot of diferent pokémon, including water types!" exclaimed Misty.

"Water types?" asked a puzzled Serena.

"Yes Serena, Misty wants to be a Water Pokémon Master." explained Professor Oak.

"That's right! Thanks Professor!" said Misty, smiling.

"What about you Serena, what do you want to be?" asked Professor Oak.

"I want to be the best Pokémon Performer that I could be!" exclaimed Serena.

"A Pokémon Performer?" asked Misty.

"Yes! A Pokémon Performer makes performances to cheer people up, to make people happy!" said Serena, smiling.

"What do they do on those performances?" asked Misty.

"They use a combination of moves from their pokémon with some dances to create a beautiful show for everyone to see!" exclaimed Serena.

"That sounds really fun!" exclaimed Misty.

"That does sounds like a lot of fun!" Professor Oak agreed.

"So girls, what do you think about seeing Ash's pokémon now?" asked Professor Oak.

"That would be great Professor!" exclaimed an excited Serena.

"I agree with her..." said Misty.

"So, let's go! Bulbasaur will lead your way... Right Bulbasaur?" asked Professor Oak.

"Bulbasaur!" exclaimed Bulbasaur.

Misty smiles.

Bulbasaur, Misty and Serena head their way towards the field.

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