Serious talk...

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Misty and Professor Oak are finishing their chat while Serena is waiting outside.

"That's it, Professor!" said Misty

"Thanks Misty, come back whenever you'd like to!" said Professor Oak, smiling.

Misty starts walking out of Professor Oak's lab.

While leaving Professor's lab, Misty glances to Serena and thought: "I need to talk about it with her..."

"Serena!" shouted Misty.

"Bye, Misty!" shouted Serena.

"Serena, I would like to talk to you!" said Misty.

"Me? What does she want with me?" Serena thought.

"I'm coming! Let's go Pancham, Sylveon and Braixen!" said Serena.

Serena and her pokémon get closer to Misty.

"Serena, I would like to talk to you in private, is that okay Pancham, Sylveon and Braixen?" said Misty.

"Pancham." "Sylveon." said Pancham and Sylveon with a worried look.

Braixen nods while pulling Pancham and Sylveon back to the field.

"Thanks for the trust Braixen!" shouted Misty.

"Braixen Brai!" shouted Braixen.

"So, what do you want to talk to me? And why in private?" asked Serena.

"Listen, I know you have a crush for Ash" said Misty.

"You know what?" said an embarassed Serena.

"You don't have to hide that from me... It was clear the moment you heard the name Ash associated with me..." said Misty.

"It was?" asked a completely red Serena.

"It was..." answered a worried Misty.

"Look, I know his attitude and braveness is something to admire... That's not a thing to be ashamed of... Especially you! You look like someone that understands a lot about love..." said Misty, looking worried.

Serena became even redder.

"I used to have a crush on him too..." Misty said.

"You did?" Serena asked while her heart skipped a beat.

"I did... It was when we used to travel together, his braveness was something that I admired a lot... But not long after our journey ended... I realised that he is not the boy that I would like to spend the rest of my life with..." said Misty with a heavy heart.

"Why not?" asked Serena.

"We used to fight a lot, for unimportant things... Even though we cared a lot for each other, that is just not enough for me, I would like more from someone that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with..." said Misty, looking to the ground.

"You do?" asks Serena while doubting if she wants to spend the rest of her life with Ash.

"Yes, but I don't see the same on you, I feel like you two got along pretty well..." said Misty, turning to Serena.

"You do?" asks Serena.

"Yes." answers Misty.

"How?" asks Serena.

"Simple, I was looking to Ash's Noivern while you were meeting everyone... I know that you saw him ever since he was born, didn't you?" asks Misty.

"I did..." answers Serena.

"So, when it saw you, it did something it never does to anyone... it looked to Ash's Hawlucha and them both nodded, without saying anything! It was like you were someone they trusted a lot, almost like their own trainer!" says Misty, with tearful eyes.

"I've never seen any pokémon do that in my entire life..." says Misty.

Serena gets even redder in embarassment.

"That means that the both of you were almost like one single person to them... Ash only gave 3 pokémon to Professor Oak after he came back from Kalos... And 2 of them trust you like that, it feels like.... it feels like..." Misty stuttered.

"It feels like what?" asked Serena, nervously.

"It feels like both of your hearts were connected throughout your journey..." Misty said with a heavy heart.

"I've never seen such connection before, not with a single of Ash's pokémon... Not with any pokémon in my entire life..." said Misty.

Serena gets to point of crying, letting a tear run down her face.

"Don't cry... That's beautiful..." says Misty while cleaning Serena's face.

"That's beautiful, just like you and your pokémon performances" said Misty, hugging Serena.

"Th... Thanks, Misty" says Serena while hugging Misty.

They both let go of the hug.

"So, promise me you will take good care of my precious Ash?" asked Misty with a big smile.

"I will take good care of the love of my life." says Serena while cleaning her eyea and with an even bigger smile.

"That's the spirit" says Misty while smiling.

Both girls laugh.

"Misty! I'm glad you're still here! Professor Oak wants to talk to you..." shouted the Professor's assistant.

"Tracey! I'm coming in! Give me a few seconds!" said Misty.

"Okay!" said Tracey.

"Let's check what's going on inside, Serena?" asked Misty.

"Let's go!" answered Serena.

Serena and May head to Professor Oak's lab.

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