New horizons!

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Serena is still sleeping while Dawn is awake and taking a fresh breath on the balcony.

Serena is woken up by the sunlight.

Serena clears her eyes.

"Ah!" said Serena while stretching.

Serena looks to Dawn at the balcony.

"Dawn!?" asked Serena, quite surprised.

"Oh, hi! Good morning, Serena!" said Dawn, smiling.

"Good morning, Dawn... Why are you awake this early?" asked Serena.

"Because I slept early yesterday, so I woke up early today..." said Dawn.

"Oh... That makes sense..." said Serena.

"Is the day beautiful?" asked Serena.

"Yes!" said Dawn, smiling.

"Let me see it!" said Serena while getting up.

Serena looks at the sky which is light blue.

"Ah! It really is beautiful!" said Serena, smiling.

Dawn and Serena take a deep breath.

"So, have you decided where we're heading now?" asked Dawn.

"To be honest... No..." said Serena.

"So, what are we waiting for?" asked Dawn.

"Nothing!" said Serena, smiling.

"Let's take a look at the PC!" said Dawn.

"Let's go!" said Serena.

Serena starts walking away from the room.

"Serena!" shouted Dawn.

Serena turns, clueless.

"You weren't about to go out in your pajamas, were you?" asked Dawn, unimpressed.

Serena blushes.

"Of course not!" said Serena.

Serena went to dress herself up.

Serena dresses up.

"That's better..." said Dawn, unimpressed.

"Thanks!" said Serena, blushing lightly.

"So let's go?" asked Serena.

"Sure!" said Dawn.

Serena and Dawn went to take a look at the Pokécenter's PC.

"So, let's take a look in Contests..." said Serena, searching on the PC.

Serena and Dawn are looking for a Contest near them.

"Nothing..." said Serena.

"No way!" said Dawn, frustrated.

Serena keeps searching.

"What's that?" asked Dawn, pointing to a photo on the PC and taking Serena's place.

"I don't know... Let's take a look..." said Serena.

They open the photo.

"It says that it's going to be a showcase tournament in the Johto Region..." said Dawn.

"A showcase!?" asked Serena.

"Yes! It also says here that it'll be the first one in the whole region!" said Dawn.

"Oh... That sounds like fun!" said Serena.

"Come on Serena! Are you going to enter it?" asked Dawn.

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