Dawn, May and Serena head their way to Bonitaville, doing a showcase and a showmatch in every city they go.
Every person that saw their performances liked and was amazed by it.
They are currently at the last city before Bonitaville, Goldenrod City.
They have just ended their performance on Goldenrod City.
"Guys! That was amazing!" said Nurse Joy.
"Thanks Nurse Joy!" said Serena.
"Did you really do this in every city since Cherrygrove City?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Yes!" said Dawn.
"That's a lot of dedication!" said Nurse Joy.
"We love to see people's faces when they see our performances! They inspire us!" said May.
"And you inspire people too!" said Nurse Joy.
Everyone smiles.
"So, are you going to perform at Bonitaville too?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Yes!" said May.
Nurse Joy smiles.
"So I'll help you by getting in touch with Bonitaville's Nurse Joy!" said Nurse Joy, smiling.
"Thanks!" said Dawn.
"Nurse Joy..." Serena said.
"What?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Can you get in touch with Bonitaville's Contest organizers?" asked Serena.
"I'm not sure... But I'll try my best..." said Nurse Joy.
"Thanks!" said Serena.
"But why would you like to talk to them?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Because I would like to do a showcase just before the Contest starts... Like an opening show!" said Serena.
"Oh I get it!" said Nurse Joy.
"I'll do my best!" said Nurse Joy, smiling.
"Thanks!" said Serena while smiling.
"Your room will be waiting you at the pokécenter..." said Nurse Joy.
"Thanks!" said Serena, Dawn and May.
"Thanks you guys for performing such beautiful thing on our city!" said Nurse Joy.
"Now, if you excuse me... I'll have to go..." said Nurse Joy.
"Thanks, again..." said Serena.
Nurse Joy smiles and goes to the pokécenter.
"I can't believe that we're almost there!" said Dawn.
"I know, right? It's been a while since we last were in a Contest!" said May.
"You really do like to battle in Contest, don't you?" asked Serena, smiling.
"Of course!" said Dawn.
"And watching you do your performances I learned a lot about how to use moves with more grace than before!" said May.
"I'm sure I'm going to win this time!" said May.
"I'm not so sure about that! Remember that you're against me!" said Dawn.
Serena laughs.
"So, let's head to the pokécenter and sleep for a bit?" asked Serena.
"Let's go!" said May.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...