"Bulbasaur!" said Bulbasaur as they enter the grass field on Professor Oak's lab.
"Thanks Bulbasaur, you've always been of great help!" said Misty, smiling
"Thanks Bulbasaur!" said Serena, also smiling.
"Hey Misty, is Bulbasaur your pokémon or the Professor's?" asked Serena.
"Actually... It's Ash's..." said Misty.p
"Oh really? That's cool..." said a quite embarassed Serena.
"Hey Bulbasaur, can you call everyone instead of just the water types this time?" asked Misty.
"Bulba!" exclaimed Bulbasaur.
"Bulba... Saur!" said Bulbasaur while using Solar Beam to call every single one of Ash's pokémon.
"Thanks Bulbasaur!" said both girls.
"Bulba!" answered a very happy Bulbasaur.
Soon enough, a lot of pokémon started to show up.
"Hi everyone! It's been a long time!" said Misty, smiling.
"Wow! There are a lot of them!" said Serena, surprised.
"I didn't know Ash had so many!" said Serena, smiling.
"Oshawott!! Osha..." Said an Oshawott as it went towards Misty.
"Oh yeah, I will never forget you..." said an unimpressed Misty.
"Who's that?" asked Serena, puzzled as to why it was behaving like that.
"That's Ash's Oshawott, he is kind of a lover..." said Misty.
"What if that Oshawott is just mirroring Ash's feeling towards Misty?" thought Serena.
"A lover? Of what kind?" asked Serena, somewhat disappointed.
"He is the 'Brock' kind of a lover..." said an even more unimpressed Misty.
"'Brock' kind of a lover?" asked a puzzled Serena.
"Yes, he loves almost every single girl that it encounters..." said Misty.
"Oh, that's unusual..." said Serena while laughing lightly.
"Anyways, why don't you introduce your pokémon to them?" asked Misty.
"That's a great idea!" said Serena "Everyone, come out!"
"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" "Braixen!" said Serena's pokémon while leaving their pokéballs.
"Osha? Wott!!!" said Oshawott while going towards Serena's Sylveon.
"Oh, I get it now, Misty..." said Serena while both girls laugh.
"Syl? Veon..." said an unimpressed Sylveon.
"Osha? Wott..." said a heartbroken Oshawott.
"Hey, don't be like that... You will eventually find love, I'm sure about that..." said Serena, comforting Oshawott.
"Osha?" said a sad Oshawott.
"Trust me, I'm sure you will find love." said Serena, patting Oshawott on its back.
"Oshawott!" exclaimed Oshawott while beating on its shell.
"Wow, she sure talks like she know a lot about love..." thought Misty.
"So, you're a performer... Right Serena?" asks Misty
"Yes! Why?" answers a puzzled Serena.
"Why don't you show them a perfomance?" suggests Misty.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...