Drew, Serena and Dawn are waiting for May at the exit of the venue.
Drew spots May in a distance.
"May!" shouted Drew.
May hears this and turns to see Drew.
May sees Drew and starts running towards him.
They both hug each other.
"You did it! I knew you could do it!" said Drew, still hugging May.
"Thanks..." said May, hugging Drew.
Serena and Dawn walk up to them.
May and Drew pull out of the hug.
"Looks like someone loves someone here..." said Dawn.
May and Drew blush.
Serena and Dawn giggle.
"So, have you made your decision?" asked Serena.
"Yes..." said May.
May holds Drew's hand.
"I'm going with him..." said May, blushing and smiling.
"That's good! I'm glad you made your choice!" said Serena, smiling.
"Why am I the only one who never kissed someone in here?" asked Dawn.
Serena, Drew and May blush.
"I'm sure you'll find someone..." said May, hugging Dawn.
"She's right!" said Serena while joining May.
Drew smiles.
They all let go of the hug.
"Is it cool with you guys?" asked May.
"Of course! Live your dream..." said Serena.
"But I'm not a Top Coordinator yet..." said May.
"I know... But your other dream has always been finding someone... Hasn't it?" asked Dawn.
"And she finally found it!" said Serena.
"Guys! Could you stop?" shouted May, blushing hard.
Drew is also blushing very hard.
"Is this a goodbye?" asked Dawn.
May stops and becomes thoughtful.
"No! It's a see you soon!" said Serena.
May smiles.
Dawn and Serena see May's smile and smile back.
"Here, let do this again..." said Serena while pulling her pricess key out of her bag.
"Let's go!" said Dawn while touching Serena's princess key with hers.
May smiles.
"I'm glad you guys liked my gift..." said May, smiling.
May takes her princess key and touch Serena's and Dawn's keys with hers.
All three girls smile happily.
Drew also smile happily while seeing this scene.
May, Dawn and Serena put their princess key on their bags.
"Thanks guys... For everything..." said May.
"No problem!" said Dawn, hugging May.
"You know that we would do it all over again for you!" said Serena, joining the hug.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...