Misty and Serena are about to start their Gym Battle.
"The battle between the Gym Leader Misty and the challenger Serena is about to start!" said the referee.
"I won't go easy on you because you are Ash's friend!" said Misty.
"I won't go easy on you because you are Ash's friend either!" said Serena.
"Each trainer will use two pokémon and the battle ends when all pokémon of one trainer is unable to battle, okay?" asked the referee.
"Sure!" said Serena.
"So, let the battle begin!" said the referee.
"Psyduck, I choose you!" said Misty while throwing a pokéball into the air.
"Psy!" said Psyduck while stepping up on the field.
"Pancham, come out here and help me out!" said Serena while throwing a pokéball into the air.
"Pancham!" said Pancham.
"Make the first move, Serena." said Misty.
"Okay! Pancham, use Stone Edge!" said Serena.
"Pancham! Pan... Cham!" said Pancham while using Stone Edge.
Stone Edge makes contact.
"Psyduck, Water Gun!" said Misty.
"Psy! Psy... Duck!" said Psyduck while using Water Gun.
"Quick Pancham, dodge it!" said Serena.
Pancham dodges it.
"Let's end this with a single attack now! Pancham, Dark Pulse!" said Serena.
"Pancham Pan!" said Pancham while using Dark Pulse.
It makes contact.
Psyduck doesn't move a muscle.
"What? That should've been super effective against Psychic types!" said Serena.
"Psyduck isn't a Psychic type..." said an unimpressed Misty.
"Still... It does had an effect, but my Psyduck can be a little... Too absent-minded sometimes..." said Misty.
"Psy!" shouted Psyduck while putting its hands on its head.
"There it is..." said an unimpressed Misty.
Serena looks unimpressed too.
"Now! Use Confusion!" said Misty.
Confusion hits Pancham.
"But since Pancham is a Fighting Type... Confusion is super effective!" said Misty, smiling to Serena.
"Pancham! Are you alright?" asked Serena.
"Pancham!" said Pancham.
"Since Psyduck isn't a Psychic type... Use Arm Thrust again and again!" said Serena.
"Pancham! Cham Cham Cham Cham Cham..." said Pancham while sprinting towards Psyduck.
"Psyduck, dodge it!" said Misty.
"Psy?" asked a puzzled Psyduck.
"Of course..." said Misty, unimpressed.
Pancham successfully uses Arm Thrust multiple times.
"Now Pancham, use Dark Pulse at close distance!" said Serena.
"Pancham Pan!" said Pancham while using Dark Pulse.
It hits.
"Psyduck!" shouted Misty.
"Psyduck is unable to battle! Pancham is the winner!" said the referee.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...