Come with me...

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Drew and May are out on their walk.

"Here... Let's sit down here..." said Drew.

"Okay..." said May.

They both sit down under a tree.

"I'm sorry May..." said Drew.

"You're sorry for what?" asked May.

"For everything..." said Drew.

"What do you mean?" asked May.

"You know... For everything that I've ever told you... Everything that I did..." said Drew.

"Everything?" asked May.

"Yes..." said Drew, looking to the ground.

"I didn't want to make you a fool... I wanted you to become better... I know that you can be better than you are right now..." said Drew.

"You did?" asked May.

"I did..." said Drew.

"Look... Please, promise me you'll never cry over someone... ever again..." said Drew.

"Why are you asking me that?" asked May.

"Because I care about you, okay?" said Drew, in a quite loud tone.

May is surprised.

Drew blushes.

"You do?" asked May.

"Yes..." said Drew.

"More than I would like to admit... I do care a lot about you..." said Drew.

"Drew..." mumbled May, with glittering eyes.

Drew gets up.

"Roserade, help me out!" said Drew while throwing a pokéball into the air.

"Roserade!" said Roserade while leaving its pokéball.

"Roserade, can you help me?" asked Drew.

"Rose!" said Roserade.

Roserade hands Drew two roses.

"Thanks Roserade!" said Drew.

Roserade smiles.

Drew retrieves Roserade.

"Here, for you..." said Drew while handing May one rose.

"Thanks..." said May.

Drew puts out his hand, holding his rose towards May.

"What are you doing?" asked May.

"May... Could you please..." Drew said.

May understands what Drew was trying to say.

May stands up and touches her rose with Drew's.

Both smile.

"Thanks for understanding me... And I'm sorry for what I did..." said Drew.

"No problem... Thanks for motivating me to become stronger..." said May.

"Also... Sorry for what I'm going to do next..." said Drew.

"What?" asked May.

Drew pulls May closer.

They both look to each other, blushing.

Drew kisses May.

While this was happening, Serena and Dawn were looking for May because they were worried about her, since she was away for quite sometime.

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