Serena is going to sleep after a day of hard training.
"We're getting better and better! I'm feeling it!" said Serena.
Serena lays on Ash's bed.
"Ah! Each day I'm getting a better person and a better performer..." thought Serena.
"But that is exhausting me!" said Serena.
Serena chuckles.
Eventually, Serena falls asleep.
Serena starts having a strange dream.
She sees a staircase and Ash in a distance.
"Ash!?" said Serena.
"Solgaleo? Lunala?" Ash said.
Serena looks up, seeing both Solgaleo and Lunala.
"I promise!" said Ash to Solgaleo and Lunala.
Serena sees a cloudy creature, just before she wakes up.
Serena wakes up, puzzled.
"What was that?" said Serena.
"Who is Solgaleo and Lunala?" said Serena.
Serena quickly grabs her pokedex.
She searches about Solgaleo and Lunala, finding nothing.
"Who are they?" asked Serena.
"Why was Ash on that dream?" asked Serena.
"I guess that's a sign that I should be restarting my journey..." said Serena.
Serena became thoughtful.
"Better get going..." said Serena.
Serena got up and went have breakfast.
"Serena? Why are you up this early?" asked Delia.
"I'm going back to my journey, starting today!" said Serena.
"Why are going to get back to it now?" asked Delia.
"Because of a dream!" said Serena.
"What?" asked Delia.
"Because of a dream! I had this dream today... I saw two pokémon that I never saw before... There is not a single thing about them on my pokédex too!" Serena said.
"Wow... That's impressive!" said Delia.
"I want to meet new pokémon and new people... just like the ones on my dream!" said Serena, looking determined.
"So, good luck!" said Delia, smiling
"Thanks!" said Serena.
Serena had breakfast and was getting ready to leave Delia's house.
"Serena..." Delia said.
"What?" asked Serena.
"Make sure you take care of yourself... Okay?" said Delia.
"Why are you worrying about that?" asked Serena.
"Because I like you, I want you to stay well..." said Delia, worried.
"Thanks, Delia!" said Serena, smiling.
"Don't forget that you're my son's girlfriend after all!" said Delia, smiling.
Serena blushes.
Delia smiles.
"Thanks, Delia... For everything..." said Serena.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...