Serena went running towards Delia, because she saw who was with her.
"It's good to see you again!" said Serena while a tear was coming down her face.
"It's been a while since I last saw you, Milotic..." said Serena.
Serena hugs Milotic.
"Where did you find it, Delia?" asked Serena.
"it just followed me home, so I thought it was your Milotic..." said Delia.
"Thanks... I missed it so much..." said Serena.
"Serena?" said Milotic.
"What, Milotic?" said Serena.
Delia looks confused.
Serena realizes why Delia looked confused.
"Milotic can talk to me via a heart connection, that's why when I'm talking with her it looks like I'm talking alone..." said Serena.
"Oh, that's fine! I'll leave you two alone, you probably have a lot of things to say to each other..." said Delia.
"Thanks, Delia!" said Serena.
"So continuing, what were about to say, Milotic?" said Serena.
"Thanks for trusting me..." said Milotic.
"No problem... But why you left just after evolving?" asked Serena.
"Well... because I noticed that you had something missing in your heart... You had someone missing on your heart to be precise..." said Milotic.
Serena freezes.
"That boy called Ash... I wanted to know why he meant so much for you... And why he is not with you anymore..." said Milotic.
Serena blushes.
"So, I went to Alola to watch him, to understand him and to understand why he is so important to you..." said Milotic.
"You did what!?" said Serena.
"I went to Alola to watch him closely... Before joining you in your journey I wanted to know you better, that way I could help you more..." said Milotic.
"Thanks, but does he know about you?" asked Serena.
Milotic does not answer.
"Okay, it's up to you if want to answer that..." said Serena.
"I understand now why he is important to you... He treats his pokémon differently than the other trainers... He is someone unique... He really is someone to admire..." said Milotic.
"But why did you do all of that for me?" asked Serena.
"For the same reason you decided to help me out when I was just a Feebas... You didn't give up on me... You wanted to know me more and more... You wanted to help me more and more..." said Milotic.
"But I don't actually know why I helped you..." said Serena while looking at the floor.
"That's it, you helped me because you wanted to help me, and that was enough for you... That was the same reason I went to Alola... Because I wanted to help you..." said Milotic.
"You didn't have to do that..." said Serena.
"I did... I knew you weren't okay without him... I knew you were missing him... I know exactly how you were feeling at that time... Don't forget that our hearts are connected..." said Milotic.
"They sure are..." said Serena.
"When I was a Feebas, I had a crush on that Oshawott... You helped me show him that I was stronger, that I was better, even when it was making fun of me... You gave me the strength I needed to go ahead and overcome any problem I had at the time..." said Milotic.
"I did?" asked Serena.
"Think back... Didn't you?" asked Milotic.
"I did..." said Serena.
"See... You knew me better than anyone and you used this to help me while noone wanted to help me... You used your knowledge to help me... So I wanted to do the same... But I didn't know you enough..." said Milotic.
"You didn't?" asked Serena.
"I didn't... But now I do... watching Ash treat his pokémon and his friends... that made me realize what you want from a friend and company for the rest of your life..." said Milotic.
"But how did you realize that from just watching Ash be himself?" asked Serena.
"That's simple... Don't you have a crush on him? I know he has a special place on that heart..." said Milotic.
"I... I... Yes... I do have a crush on him..." said Serena.
"No, you don't..." said Milotic.
"What do you mean?" asked Serena.
"He is not a simple crush you have..." said Milotic.
"He is not?" asked Serena.
"You love him, he's the one guy that you love... Isn't he?" asked Milotic.
"He... He... Yes... I think he is..." said Serena, looking to the floor.
"So, he's the person that you'd say you would spend the rest of your life with, he is the person that you admire the most, he is the one you want to take care of you, he is the one you want to take care..." said Milotic.
Serena blushes.
"So, I now understand how your ideal person would be... I now know you better... Good enough for me to work on myself to help you reaching your life goal... Your dream..." said Milotic.
"And what is that? Becoming Kalos Queen?" asked Serena.
"I don't think you know yet... But one day you'll know... and I'll be there for you, just like you was here for me..." said Milotic.
"Thanks, Milotic..." said Serena.
Milotic reaches to Serena's pocket with its tail.
Milotic gets a pokéball from Serena's pocket.
"I choose you..." said Milotic while putting the pokéball over the blue ribbon on Serena's chest.
"Do you choose me?" asked Milotic.
"Of course I do!" said Serena while putting her hand on the pokéball.
Serena gets the pokéball from Milotic's tail.
Serena holds the pokeball, pointing to Milotic.
Milotic tries to hit the pokéball with its tail, but Serena take the pokéball out of the tail's path.
"Before that..." Serena said.
"Give me a hug!" Serena shouted.
Serena hugs Milotic.
"Okay, let's go..." said Serena.
Serena points the pokéball to Milotic.
Milotic hits the pokéball with its tail.
Serena catches Milotic.
"Thanks, Milotic... For everything..." said Serena.
Serena goes to sleep.
In a distance, Delia was seeing everything.
"She sure is a gifted person... I'm glad she's around the best people and pokémon possible... You don't have to worry, Ash... She will become a better person... and so will you..." thought Delia while looking to the moon.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...