Serena wakes up naturally this time.
"Ah!" said Serena while stretching.
Serena turns to the balcony.
"What happened yesterday?" thought Serena while becoming thoughtful.
Serena looks to her pokéballs that are on a table.
"It doesn't matter... I'm with them..." said Serena, smiling.
Serena gets up and changes into her normal outfit.
Serena starts packing up her things.
She gets her pokéballs and looks to them.
"Let's get back on our journey..." said Serena, smiling.
Serena leaves the room, heading to the reception.
"Let's take a look at the PC..." said Serena.
Serena walked up to talk with Nurse Joy.
"Hi! How can I help you today?" asked Nurse Joy, smiling.
"Hi! I wanted to know if the PC is available to use right now..." said Serena, smiling.
"Sorry... But it stopped working yesterday and it's not fixed yet..." said Nurse Joy.
"Oh..." said Serena.
"What did you want the PC for?" asked Nurse Joy.
"I wanted to use it to search for something to do now..." said Serena.
"You're the girl that won the Showcase the other day, aren't you?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Oh... Yes..." said Serena, chuckling and blushing lightly.
"Why did you ask?" asked Serena.
"Because I think I have something that you could help me with..." said Nurse Joy.
"Okay..." said Serena.
"I'm pretty sure there won't be Showcases in the Johto Region for a few weeks..." said Nurse Joy.
"Really?" asked Serena.
Nurse Joy nodded, looking worried.
"So I think you might be able to help me with something..." said Nurse Joy.
"Okay... Tell me what you want me to help you with..." said Serena.
"Have you ever been in Kanto?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Yes..." said Serena.
Serena blushes lightly thinking about Ash.
"Do you know where Professor Oak's lab is?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Yes..." said Serena.
"Could you deliver him something?" asked Nurse Joy.
"Sure!" said Serena, smiling.
"Okay! Give me a few seconds for me to get it for you..." said Nurse Joy.
"Okay!" said Serena, smiling.
Nurse Joy went inside to grab what she wanted Serena to deliver to Professor Oak.
Nurse Joy comes back.
"Here it is!" said Nurse Joy, handing Serena an egg.
"Wow... It's a pokémon egg..." said Serena.
"It is.. And according to my tests... It is healthy and will hatch soon... So, be careful..." said Nurse Joy.
"Sure! But why do you want Professor Oak to have it?" asked Serena.
"Oh... It was something he asked to all Nurse Joys from all regions... He wants to study more about eggs and newborn pokémon..." said Nurse Joy.

Serena's Sun and Moon
FanfictionAsh and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar face is on Hoenn, Serena, trying her best to be the best pokémon performer she could be, but ultimately failing on winning competitions/cont...