Chapter 4

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Camila’s POV

It’s Friday morning now and Emelia and I haven’t seen Lauren since Sunday night; the distance a result of inconvenience, not because any of us wanted it. Lauren had been working hard on new material for her company and I was rushing around at work because Dinah had actually fallen sick so I had to cover some of her shifts. Everyday though Emelia had asked me if Lauren was coming over. She was a little bit upset each time I said no but she understood which we were both thankful for. Neither of us wanted to disappoint her so we were both relieved that she understood the circumstances.

She’s also understands that today is her last day at school and then she has a two week break for Easter. Chocolate was the second thing that came to her mind when she thought about Easter. The first being Lauren. Having two weeks off gives her more of a chance to get to know Lauren; something that we both want to achieve.

Even though we haven’t seen Lauren, the both of us have spoken with her. After Lauren finished her painting on Sunday night, we had realised how late it had gotten and she decided it was best for her leave. We had swapped numbers right before she left; leaving with a smile on her face, a blush tinting her cheeks and a small wave. We hadn’t given each other a hug when she left even though it was obvious we were both itching to. The goodbye was slightly awkward and a little fidgety on her part, hence the blush to her cheeks, not knowing whether to lean in for a hug or not. She hadn’t text me when she got home which made me slightly worried. I hadn’t asked her to but I thought it was expected. The next morning I had text her though, ensuring she was alright and blaming her for “keeping me up all night with worry”. But… she didn’t find that very funny and kept apologising, only for me to feel shit about it afterwards.

Throughout the week though I had texted her a few times and Emelia had even called her once, not with my permission might I add but I wasn’t mad when I found her on my phone laughing at something Lauren had said, I just smiled at her. All week we both have been saying how surreal everything was and how happy we all are as an outcome. I still can’t quite believe we have met her but I don’t want to rush things. She can see Emelia, of course she can, but I’m not going to move her in or allow Emelia to push me away and spend lots of time with her. I just want to take it slow. I don’t want to ruin this.

“HOT!” I quickly turn my head to the person who loudly whispered in my ear. “A really hot girl just walked in.” Oh, that’s what she wants. I’m currently at the café where I work, with my back turned to the door while I do some washing up. Cara knows I’m single and she knows I’m a lesbian so she always feels the need to inform me when an attractive woman walks through the door. I don’t know why, it’s not like I ever act on it. Pursuing romantic relationships have never been top priority for me, especially not now I have Emelia. You can’t introduce her to someone, they form a connection, and that person decides to bail. Hence why I’m being cautious with Lauren. I know she wouldn’t just leave Emelia and I but, Emelia loves hard. If Lauren were to suddenly change her mind, already I know that Emelia would feel broken. “Oh my God. She’s coming this way. Act cool,” I roll my eyes at Becca as I turn to face the ‘attractive girl’.

“Hey Camz,” Lauren greets. Lauren is looking particularly attractive today.

“Hey, I’m just getting off. I’ll be with you in two minutes.” It’s come to the end of my shift and Lauren offered to meet me at work for the two of us to walk over to Emelia’s school and pick her up. I turn to walk into the staff room and hear fading chat up lines from Cara, obviously directed toward Lauren. But that just made me laugh, Cara’s chat up lines were worse than mine (if I ever used them to find out) and Lauren was too… introverted? After hearing her explanation as to why she donated, I can tell that even if she had had relationships in the past, she’s too withdrawn and timid to pursue anything again.

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