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Hello! Where are y'all from?

Camila’s POV

“So, Mama has a penis?” Emelia asks curiously, her head tilted to one side.

Lauren sits on the couch next to her, bent over at the waist and holding a pack of peas to the offended area. I sit opposite my daughter on the coffee table, struggling to hold in a giggle at my wife’s agony. My eyes switch between the two as I watch Emelia search for an explanation in her head, and Lauren trying to settle the dull ache between her legs.

She had been practising her pitching for softball when she launched it against her mother’s groin. It could hurt anyone but when Lauren lowered herself to the floor, holding herself and her stomach, Emelia had some questions.

“I’ve told you before that your mother is different. Her body is different to ours. She wasn’t born like you and I, Lia. She’s very special.” Lauren grunts at my answer as she falls back against the couch, holding the bag of peas more securely at her groin and taking a sip of water. Her eyes dart at mine when I release a squeak of a laugh.

“Was she born like Micah?” The pitch in her voice raises at her brother’s name as she attempts to explore the possibilities of what could be so special about her mother.

We had been sure to teach about anatomy and differences in the body but we were careful about associating features to gender specifically. We knew she wouldn’t understand her mother’s condition at a young age and so kept it transparent enough that this conversation wouldn’t revoke anything she had previously learned. It’s a sensitive topic still for Lauren and we didn’t want our daughter telling everyone she meets about her mother’s condition, hence why the talk was postponed beyond general conversation.

“Kind of. Mom was born differently from you and differently from Micah. No two bodies are the same, remember?”

“Okay. So Mom has a penis and not a vagina?” I blush at the terms my daughter uses but I know correct terminology is better than terrible euphemisms. I was certain to use ‘wee-wee’ and ‘hoo-ha’ but Lauren didn’t approve.

Micah runs into the room giggling as Dexter chases him closely. They’ve been chasing each around the house all day. Lauren perks up at his entrance but mewls over again when the little boy throws his arms into her lap and looks around in search for the panting dog beside him.

“Do you mind, little man?” My wife grunts at the force and moves our son’s arms to her thigh, breathing heavily as she turns the cold bag over and holds it back to her groin.

“Is the ice even doing anything?” I ask between laughs.

“Not at all. It’s just made me a bit numb which is better than being in pain.” I shake my head and turn back to my children: Emelia has crouched down now to play with the dog while Micah chuckles and casually puts his hands down his pants.

Boys are disgusting.

“So do you understand now Emelia?”

“Yeah I think so. Everyone has different bodies. Some have penises, some have vaginas,” she answers with a nod as though she is accurately reciting a list.

“Some have both and some have none. I think. Wait, can some people have none?” I ask Lauren who looks at me pointedly. I think she’s mad I haven’t help her. What a shame.

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