Chapter 8

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It didn't take long after Dinah and the girls leave the club for Lauren and I to do the same, instead to her house.

It also didn't take long for the car journey on our way back to become slightly uncomfortable and flooded with nerves.

The atmosphere between us is tense. While Lauren is driving, her fingers drum against the steering wheel systematically, not rhythmically, as though she is trying to calm her nerves. Her body heat is radiating as well as her anxiety, evidenced by the fact her tongue keeps slipping from her mouth to run over her lips.

I'm not so different. I'm equally as nervous as she is and probably for the same reason: things will be different tonight. Our relationship will become something different.

Despite the clear nerves we both share, sexual tension forms a thick air within the car. We both know something is going to happen tonight and there is a hunger for it to happen now. Having her so focused on the road despite the odd moment she would look over to me in longing, it gave me time to really look at her and appreciate the beauty in the woman beside me.

There's no denying that Lauren looks absolutely incredible tonight and the predatory stares that other people in the club gave her put me under no illusion that it's not just me that thinks so. All night I focused on her touching me, the softness of her fingers and the delicacy of her touch. It therefore doesn't surprise me when I look over to Lauren and linger on her soft, supple skin. Her toned biceps and thighs, the teasing cleavage and the knowledge that there is something else under her clothes remind that it isn't just tenderness that she can give me, but her raw sexual magnetism is something that will be entirely new.

While I am now consumed by lust and affection for the girl, I see that she is still drumming the steering wheel with her fingers, nervousness still prominent. I reach across to her and stroke her wrist, silently encouraging her to drop her hand from the steering wheel. As she does so, I take her hand in mine and interlock our fingers before I bring our hands to my lips and I softly kiss the tips of her fingers. Despite how special it was each time we kissed, nothing feels more intimate and right than it does in this moment. She offers me a smile with reddened cheeks before she turns back to the road.

I take the time that she's relaxed and not focused on me to admire her some more. When my eyes fall to her crotch, I don't have time to scold myself before the car stops and she announces that we have arrived. She lets go of my hand, gets out of the car and walks around to open my door before she leads me to her front door. God I hope she didn't notice where I was looking.

I'd never really thought about what her house would look like but being here and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's completely Lauren. It's clear how much input she had into the design of the place. She has a fairly large house for just one person and everything is modernised yet with a retro flavour to the decor.

"Your house is beautiful, Lauren," I say to her as she proceeds to give me a guided tour. It's not too long before we end up in her bedroom, and I look around to admire all the small features about her room in hope to unravel the smallest details of her personality. We had only untangled our fingers when we got to her room, allowing me to move around and pick up the photo frames, books and CDs she has laying around to inspect them.

I turn back to her wearing a wide smile after having seen a picture of her and who obviously is her family, only to find her already staring at me. She's staring at my body, hunger in her eyes as she takes in my curves and the length of my legs. I suddenly feel weak under her gaze but I quickly pick up my confidence when I realise how I have affected her.

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