Chapter 9

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You’d think I’d be mad at an incessant buzzing waking me up at stupid o’clock on a weekend but when I groan into the pillow and I’m hit with Lauren’s scent, and I remember the arm she has draped around my waist, nothing could wipe the smile of my face.

Memories of last night come flooding back to me (though it’s not like they were gone long considering I dreamt about it all night). I remember how she made me feel so wanted and so desired. I remember the look on her face when I was exposed to her for the first time. I remember how she touched me, how much she enjoyed touching me. And then I remember how everything afterwards came naturally to us: brushing our teeth together, getting into bed and Lauren taking me into her arms. Still half asleep and I’m smiling into Lauren’s pillow.

But she still hasn’t turned that fucking alarm off.

“Lauren,” I nudge my elbow into her arm, trying to rouse the woman from her sleep. “Lauren,” I groan a little louder.

“Hm?” She replies sleepily, burying her face further into my neck. I went to sleep cuddled up into her chest and I’ve woken up to her spooning me again, like she did that morning Dinah had caught us, her body tight to mine and an arm wrapped possessively around my waist. 



“Lauren. Turn off your damn alarm.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lauren turns slightly and reaches behind her to turn off the source of my annoyance, the position causing her pelvis to jut out and into my backside; her morning hardness becoming more prominent.  It doesn’t take long for her to switch off the alarm and collapse on the bed beside me, no longer wrapping her arms around me, instead rubbing at her eyes tiredly.

I don’t dwell on the fact that already I miss her warmth, her closeness and her arms wrapped securely around me, and I turn to her, laying on my side.

“Why did your alarm go off on the weekend?” I ask nosily, still irritated to have been woken up so early. She stops rubbing her eyes and turns to lay facing me also. “You don’t have work do you?”

“Sometimes my boss drags me in at the weekend, but not today. Today I have different plans,” she explains with apprehension.

“But it’s sooo early.”

“Camz, its 9am. That’s a lie in!”

“What? You have got to be kidding me. I live with two children and I still get a better lie in than this on most weekends,” I explain, trying to ignore the fact that with our entwined legs, her thigh is very close to my naked centre – and her penis not far either.

“Well, this is probably the latest I’ll ever get up so you best get used to it!”

“Get used to it? Are you implying that we spending the night together will be a regular occurrence?” I tease, smirking at her when her cheeks tint with a blush. My smirk however quickly removed when she starts attacking my sides with her fingers, probably remembering from last night how sensitive I am. I’m sensitive in other places too but she’s conveniently forgotten that…

It doesn’t take long for her fingers to let up and release me from their grip but that’s when I find myself sitting on her stomach, leaning over her and catching my breath. From fending her off I find myself on top of her, pinning her arms on the pillow either side of her head. It doesn’t occur to me that she’s clearly a lot stronger than I am yet somehow I find her submitting to my defence and me now laying on top of her.

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