Chapter 10

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Back at the reception area, Lauren had shown Emelia and I how you can ‘adopt’ one of the animals, pay a monthly contribution to the welfare of the animals and in return you’re gifted with pictures and things related to it. Lauren had also given Emelia the opportunity to name a new-born tiger cub that is unwell and is receiving treatment to get better, ultimately adopting it, Lauren paying the fees.

Our little girl is now sitting back in her car seat, looking through the pack of pictures and information about her tiger, Leonard, awwing and cooing over each picture.

“He’s so cute, mummy. Look at this,” I turn around to see the picture she’s holding, it’s one of Lauren holding the tiger, the cub looking only minutes old when Lauren has it wrapped up in a blanket.

“He’s very cute, Lia,” I say in agreement to her before I turn to Lauren, “you look pretty cute too.” The green-eyed girl takes a second to figure out which picture I’m talking about before she tucks her head down, blushing and smiling in response.

“Ok then, you two,” Lauren shakes away her embarrassment and addresses Emelia and I, “we’re gonna stop for dinner in about an hour or so and there’s something pretty fun to do while we’re there, then we’ll drive home. Is that ok?”

“Yes, mama. Please can you play Disney again?”

Lauren and I laugh at Emelia’s impatience and the green-eyed woman leans across to put the second part of the playlist on. “Is that alright with you, Camz?”

“Of course,” I reply simply as something I surprisingly didn’t know started to play from her sound system. “Lauren, what’s this?” I ask the girl who’s already moving to the beat of the song.

“Gospel Truth,” she answers in an obvious tone. I still don’t have a clue what that is so I raise my eyebrows at her trying to further her answer. “From Hercules?”

“Never seen it.”

“WHAT? Get out. Get out of my car,” Lauren points sternly toward the passenger door, Emelia and I laughing at her reaction.

“Stick to the classics, Lo.”

“Erm, Hercules is a classic you imposter! Acting like you know Disney films,” Lauren huffs at me, comically directing her attention back to the road. “You’re not so perfect after all.”

“Perfect?” I ask teasingly causing Lauren to blush again. “Aww. You see this, Emelia? Your mama thinks I’m perfect,” I jokingly flip my hair, Lauren laughing at me, cheeks still red.

“That’s because you are mummy.”

“Aww, baby,” I turn around to my daughter, kissing my hand then touching it to her lips, Emelia kissing my hand also. “I love you.”

“I love you too, mummy. But mama needs that kiss too,” Emelia says obviously. I touch my hand to Lauren’s lips, the woman kissing my hand in response.

Our journey falls into a comfortable silence after this; Lauren concentrating on her driving, Emelia listening to the music and trying to read a book she bought with her, and I take the time to reflect.

Last night we had a really incredible time together, from the laughter we shared at the club to the intimacy we shared later on. Being with Lauren was nothing like I had experienced before. She has this way of being really sexy and confident, transforming into someone so geeky and giggly, and becoming someone who is ultimately shy and very vulnerable. But that just made her so desirable to me.

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