Chapter 18

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Lauren’s POV

My eyes burn from the strength of the sun, its rays streaming through the gap in the curtain when a clutter from downstairs jerks me awake. I rub at my eyes and turn away from the window, toward an empty space on the bed next to me where I expected Camila to still be. I’m not worried though. As I hear more clutter and banging around from the kitchen downstairs I know the clutz is still here and awake. Nothing could stop the grin that coursed across my face when I thought about that girl and the condition has gotten even worse after last night.

Last night: the best night of my life, and that’s not because I’ve finally had sex… at the age of 28. Ok, maybe it is. But it was with Camila and that’s why it was the best night of my life. I got to share myself for the first time with the woman I am falling for. The woman who, in the few months I have known her, has changed my life in ways I could never expect. Camila has made me embrace who I am and I had never suspected that to happen. She has made me learn to love myself. Sure, life would be a lot easier if I was born normal and for most of my life I have always hated myself for who I am, but without my condition, I wouldn’t have Emelia. I wouldn’t have Camila. I wouldn’t have my family.

I am still scared to show myself to Camila because that’s something I’m still not used to myself, and I don’t want the woman to feel disgust toward me in anyway when she can actually see my abnormality. I’m sure one day I can be that open with her and after last night, making the biggest step I could ever take with her, maybe it will happen soon. Maybe if she threatens ‘no sex’ it’ll be very soon because that was incredible and I don’t want to never share that with her again.

Memories of last night run through my mind and I welcome the warmth to my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach because I never want to stop thinking about it. Camila is beautiful, and loving, but sexy and exhilarating, and the experience I had with her last night is something I need to happen over and over again. Can you predict a sex addiction after only having sex once?

Laughter from downstairs tears me away from my flash reel of thrusting inside of her, bringing her to climax and then the overwhelming nature of my own before holding the limp woman securely in my arms. I move up out of bed and search for some clothes, forgetting that I had fallen asleep naked so I was also on the search for some boxers. Considering I had woken up with a hard on most mornings, the fact that it’s awake again this morning isn’t much of a surprise to me, so I put on a pair of sweats to cover it, forgetting the boxers, followed by a shirt of mine that Camila had worn yesterday, and I head downstairs in a rush to see my family.

The smell of bacon and eggs and… burnt toast, fill my senses when I walk into the kitchen to find Camila as beautiful as ever in a pair of my shorts and a tank top over the stove, and our daughter sitting in the middle of the kitchen counter in a pink onesie.

“Something smells good in here,” I announce, Camila immediately turning around with a toothy smile, blushing when I wink at her.

“Mummy!” Emelia greets loudly as she squirms toward the edge of the counter, Camila quickly rushing over to help her get off safely. The little girl runs at me for a cuddle, her head colliding with an all-too-sensitive area below my waist making me groan and curl forward to pick her up. Last night had left me sensitive and almost a little sore having it been so long since I’ve actually released my pent up sexual frustration and it stills feels quite tender. “Happy birthday, mama!” Emelia yells again with a big smile, cuddling into my neck and squeezing me as tight as she could. But it’s not my birthday? In my confusion I look up at Camila who had turned off the stove and is watching the two of us adoringly and I silently ask what she’s talking about with raised eyebrows.

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