Chapter 11

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For the second morning in a row, I’m awoken by a consistent and very much annoying noise. I look around my bedroom in a daze, searching for the source of my rude awakening and find nothing. I sit up in bed and wipe at my eyes where I’m immediately met with a chill in the air from an early morning in spring weather. The coldness doesn’t surprise me when I look down and realise that I wore almost nothing to bed last night. Through my tiredness I had just stripped to my underwear and climbed into bed, taking off my bra soon after because who can sleep in a bra?

The noise comes again and I realise it’s coming from the front door, someone giving it reasonably loud knocks, pauses in between each. Who the fuck could that be? Getting out of bed and reaching for my robe that hangs on the back of the door; I look back at my digital clock to see its only 9am… on a Sunday.

Registering how early someone has woken me up on a damn weekend causes me to be more annoyed than the physical struggle of getting out of bed. I quickly tie the robe and rush to the door, looking through the peep-hole.


Why am I not surprised it’s her fault I wake up early on both days of the weekend. Crossing one arm over my chest that’s exposed by the sheer, satin robe, I open the door to the girl.

“Do you have any idea what the time is?” I ask her in annoyance. Lauren seems taken back at first by my attitude and then my appearance, the see-through robe exposing my bare stomach and underwear.

“Erm, not really. It’s not that earlythough, surely?”

“It’s 9 o’clock… on a Sunday”

“Like I said, not that early. I just came by to drop off the things you left in the car?” I look down from her charming smile and see my iPhone, the Nala she made me and my bag that’s probably holding my purse and keys. “You were pretty tired last night and so just left everything,” she laughs at me when I smile tiredly, “I thought you’re gonna need this stuff.”

“Despite how early it is, thank you for bringing this stuff back so quickly. I would have had a panic attack if I realised I’d lost my phone and bag until I remember it’d be with you.”

I reach for the stuff in her hands, my arms leaving their crossed position on my chest, something I hadn’t remembered would be a huge deal until I saw Lauren’s eyes widen and stare blatantly at my exposed breasts. They’re a part of me that I’ve never been comfortable with due to their smaller size but with Lauren so obviously appreciative, I’m reassured and for once I feel confident someone seeing them so I smile to myself and allow for her ogling.

I turn to put the items on the coffee table in the front room, purposely bending over slightly to tease her some more. When I look back at Lauren, I witness a quick movement of her turning her head to the side, gazing down the corridor with a red face as though to hide the fact she had been staring.

“What are you doing up this early anyway?”

“I woke up at about 6 to go for a run, had a shower and stuff then came here,” Lauren explains.

“6? Lauren, I will repeat, it’s a Sunday!”

“Yeah? And Sunday’s are for getting things done!”

“Nope, that’s Saturdays, or weekdays.”

“Nope, Saturdays are for having fun.”

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