Chapter 15

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Camila’s POV

It’s been just over a week now since I saw my mother and I haven’t yet done what she said. I haven’t questioned Lauren about a relationship, nor have I told her about my money problems. Even though I told my mother I would, I still can’t help but think of the worst. I know what Lauren will do in both situations; she’ll agree to a relationship if that’s what I want or we won’t make it official if that’s what I want and she’ll give lots of money because that’s what I need. She doesn’t do much for herself, everything she does is to please other people. Something I’m not surprised about because of how loving and warm-hearted she is but she’s so selfless that I don’t know how to talk to her. And that’s why I chickened out. I saw her that night and she was smiling and looking as beautiful as ever, I didn’t want to ruin it by talking to her about something that she’ll selflessly solve without a care for herself. Maybe I’ll mention something this weekend. The weekend I haven’t stopped thinking about.

Since the night Lauren invited Emelia and I to a weekend away with her, the only time she had mentioned it again was when our daughter asked to see pictures of where we’re going to stay. It’s a gorgeous beach house in Cape May. Looks expensive too but of course Lauren was never going to tell me the price. A private pool and a hot tub, a balcony and terrace, apparently it also had 6 bedrooms even though it would just be the three of us staying there. It didn’t matter to me how extravagant the place was though, of course Emelia would love it because it’s something she’s not used to, but I wouldn’t care. We could spend a week on a campsite and though that’s something that would usually bother me, I wouldn’t care because I’d have my two girls.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the extravagance. Everything was Lauren’s idea and it’s not that I’m unhappy that she’d spent money on the three of us, it’s just that it’s not necessary. Nonetheless, I haven’t been excited about just one thing in so long. Since Emelia. Or meeting Lauren, but that was more nerves truth be told. This weekend is going to be incredible. A big smile will no doubt be spread across Emelia’s face the whole weekend, spending time with Lauren and I as well as staying so close to the beach will undoubtedly make her ecstatic. And then there’s Lauren. Moments between the three of us are just perfect but then there’s what happens between Lauren and I alone. The affection and tenderness, then the lust and passion, everything is just so surreal when it comes to us.

The excitement and warmth in my heart dissipates as soon as I reach Emelia’s classroom to pick her up from school and I’m confronted with a very grump and a very disgruntled little girl. “Hey, baby. How was school?” I ask her anyway, kneeling down to her height and immediately taking notice of the scowl on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Emelia pushes past me, almost making me lose balance while I was crouched to the floor and I quickly pick myself up and follow after her.

“Emelia, don’t walk away from me, I’ve asked you a question. What’s wrong?” And she doesn’t even look at me. My daughter walks a few yards ahead of me toward the school gates, her anger forcing her legs to move at a quicker pace than normal but not fast enough to prevent my longer strides to keep up with her. “Don’t ignore me, Lia. What’s happened? Have you been bullied again?”

“No!” The Monday morning after Lauren told me about her problems at school I went to speak to her teacher, asking if she was aware of the situation, which she was, and why I wasn’t informed. Apparently two little boys in her class had been bullying her, asking where her Dad was and why she’s so happy about having two mothers when she shouldn’t be. Lauren and I were both extremely mad that we hadn’t been told but the teacher had approached the boys’ father instead, bringing up the issue and encouraging him to speak to his sons. The teacher thought it had worked and didn’t notice it happening more secretly until I spoke with her and she had kept a closer eye out. We have now arranged a meeting for next week for the parents to talk through things, Lauren demanding she be there to meet ‘the homophobic bastard’ that is their father.

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