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A/N- I don't own 'The Gifted' or any 'Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina' references.

She remember the day like it was yesterday, the day she realized she was mutant, the day she realized how unfair the world was, how her father hurt people like her, the day she felt real anger

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She remember the day like it was yesterday, the day she realized she was mutant, the day she realized how unfair the world was, how her father hurt people like her, the day she felt real anger.

The day was perfectly normal, we were out for bowling it was a usual family outing but today something felt off to me I couldn't explain it but I just felt like something bad was going to happen the feeling only intensified when they went inside the bowling area.

"Oh yea you think you can take the master?" I asked with a raised eyebrow Andy scoffed "I could beat you with my eyes closed" I laughed at his exaggeration he couldn't beat me, everyone knew I was the best bowler in the family I guess it's just a gift Idk I'm awesome.

"Bowling must be my mutant ability" I laughed dad shook his head, chuckling we set up and Andy almost beat Lauren but somehow the pin fell down. I rolled the ball, easily hitting all the pins "Who's the Queen at bowling? Me! Me!" I raised my hands to the air I knew I was doing the most but I didn't beat Andy at a lot of things, Him and Lauren were just so good at everything I loved so to beat them at something they loved was pure bliss. "Good job, darling" Grandma said

"How are you shaking mutie?!" the loud yelling behind us made me distracted I looked at them and noticed the girl shaking rapidly and glitching and her father trying to protect her I felt so bad for them I didn't understand why people treated mutants so badly. Suddenly I felt myself feel a bit of rage I walked over, ignoring my dad and mom who were telling me to stop. "Hey leave her alone" I said I put my hand on the girl's shoulder suddenly it was like my hand twitched for a second, it had glitched! what? my eyes must have mistaken me.

"Are you okay?" I asked sincerely she smiled at me "She's just a little girl!" her father yelled I saw them laughing at her "You guys are monsters!" I yelled as they continued to laugh "Stop Guys!" the girl yelled I felt so angry why would they treat her like that! They're fucking horrible who were they to talk to her like that? She may not be normal but she was still a child she didn't deserve this, no one did. It looked like the girl did it when their drinks we're blown into their face but I knew I had it felt like a wave was released from me.

What just happened? I questioned myself Dad came over "Did you see what they were doing to her?" the girl's father asked she stopped glitching as the girl stared at me in surprise she knew I had did it I don't know how I did it but I knew they deserved it, they deserved more than just that they were making fun of this girl, calling her a monster, a mutie when, in reality, those losers we're monsters treating a little girl with such tone because she's different.

"I saw what they did and they were wrong. But damaging property with mutant ability, e-even accidentally, that's a serious crime. Ju-just walk away, before the situation gets any worse. Do it for her." I couldn't be more proud and disgusted of my father I get his reasons but I hated what he does, I was a mutant now that was obvious if the roles were reversed would he have said the same thing for me? When sentinel services came for me, what would he do? It was unfair.

"Fine, come on sweetie." Her father pulled the girl along and I kissed her forehead goodbye.
"That wasn't your business" Mom said as I came back down I could almost glare at her what did she mean? What did she expect me to do? Sit there and let that girl get bullied by them? No, I would never sit by and walk my kind get treated like that those people had gotten off with nothing for harassing her but she could be put in jail? It was disgusting.

"I don't care no one deserves that and how you sat there and said nothing was pathetic!" I yelled the last part standing up In anger "She's a danger to society, I tried to to help her hopefully she can contain her powers and nothing like this happens again." my dad said I laughed mockingly

"Danger to society!? She's a kid! Like me dad, like Andy, like Lauren what if one of us were mutant? what if one of us had done that? Would we be a danger to society too? Would you lock us up like you do to the other mutants?!" I shouted in frustration "Andrea sit down you won't talk to us like that!" Mom yelled I bit my tongue, stopping myself from talking I ran to the bathroom and let out a loud scream.

My body started shaking like the girl before and I sighed, taking deep breaths to calm myself I didn't want anyone to see me like that, it would give myself away easily and then my father would take me into custody like he would any other mutant. We needed a new world, a world were mutants wouldn't have to hide in fear where were the x-men? Where were the golden times that Grandma talked about where the x-men were loved by the president and everyone else, how the mutants stopped a nuclear war was that just forgot?

"Hey you okay?" I turned around quickly, seeing Lauren she smiled at me and grabbed my hand "I know how you feel Rea, I couldn't believe it when I saw it" she said "They deserved it, you know that Lauren?" I said she looked into my eyes "No, mutants ptaking revenge will never cause peace it will only bring more pain." She said while I loved my sister I knew she was wrong she had to be.

"Come one let's go alright? They're getting worried out there" she said I nodded "Let me just wash my hands" I said she nodded and walked out I sighed and went to wash them when I moved my hand it felt like I was pushing air together and then there was a small clear bubble around the sink "what the fuck?" I whispered I'm guessing that was another one of my mutant powers, great more things to hide.

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