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I couldn't handle it all I laid down in the new room I was given and tried to forced myself to fall asleep but all I could think about was how I couldn't save my father, I thought I was powerful but I wasn't

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I couldn't handle it all I laid down in the new room I was given and tried to forced myself to fall asleep but all I could think about was how I couldn't save my father, I thought I was powerful but I wasn't. What good is these powers if I couldn't use them to save the people I love?

Suddenly I heard a laugh yell outside I got up slowly and walked to the door when I opened it I saw a huge back part of a truck "What the hell? I was gone for twenty minutes?" I looked at them confused and noticed the portal girl, her name was Clarice. Everyone stood up and I noticed mom had a gash on her face I quickly healed it like I did with Lauren.

She opened a portal and they had a gun I summoned my air knives and the float while Marcos opened his hands to flash them. "We're not getting into a pitched battle with innocent bystanders," John said I rolled my eyes "Yeah?" Marcos asked he seemed really cool I kinda liked him but I held a grudge against John for not letting me go I could have saved dad the thought makes my heart clench.

"What about him?" I asked lifting my knives to the man with the shotgun Lauren got in front of us and used her powers to try and close the portal "Lauren watch out!" I yelled so did mom as the man leveled his gun if that hillbilly's gun even graced my sister's skin I would kill him, painfully. She managed to close it and again I felt proud of my sibling's growing powers.

"Dude what did you just do?" Andy asked "I don't know I just used shields to close it. I didn't think I'd work but... I guess it did" Lauren smiled and I patted her back for the good work. "Those knives..how?" John asked me everyone turned my way "Where you planning on killing them!?" mom shrieked "Just injuring them" I lied, annoyed. "Like Lauren, I used the air and guided it to form a knife." I said shrugging "I've never tried anything defensive like that before" Lauren said.

I knew I could create a portal and easily go into the hospital and steal those medicines but one I didn't want to reveal myself and two I didn't care if she died I already had her power what did she matter to me? "Then we'll take you. Now if this happens again can you do whatever you just did?" Marcos asked Lauren "Yea" she replied after a short wait "No. I'm not leaving my daughter here to close..space holes!" Mom looked real traumatized.

"Mom, It's okay. I can do this" she reassured our mom.

"So who is she anyways?" Andy asked,"She's a refugee, escaped from jail." He said "Jail?" I asked "We found her," John says "What'd she do?" Lauren asked "She used a portal to steal food from the back of a supermarket. Happens a lot with a mutant who can't pass as humans, they can't get a job and one thing leads to another" that was pretty shitty this is why I hated the laws society had now and days it was fucked up we didn't deserve to be treated like animals. But if you want a wild beast then we'll become one.

Clarice shook violently "Hey it's happening get everyone safe!" John yelled "Everyone move!" Dreamer/Sonya yelled. Lauren struggled to close it while they were police officers and cars outside, looking at them I tempted helping her but I wanted her to do this on her own and finally, she closed it.

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