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I sat at the table with Andy, Lauren, and mom I was looking at my phone I was playing call of duty mobile my like usual until I got to go back to my Xbox "Hey no phones at the table" Mom snapped I rolled my eyes and sadly exited the game I was jus...

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I sat at the table with Andy, Lauren, and mom I was looking at my phone I was playing call of duty mobile my like usual until I got to go back to my Xbox "Hey no phones at the table" Mom snapped I rolled my eyes and sadly exited the game I was just about to get a nuke.

"So, Lauren, how was choir?" Mom asked my sister "Good. We're practicing for the spring concert." Lauren replied, "Are you still going to the dance tonight?" She asked I sighed I was going because I was in the committee, the leader of it. I was the President of all the clubs I was in you could say I was an overachiever but really I believed everyone was inferior to me, everyone except my siblings in my eyes they were my equals I knew where I got the shields from it was from Lauren I saw her using it once but I never mentioned it, I realized I was a copy cat and I loved it.

"Want me to show you some of my moves?" mum asked I snickered softly at the thought she shook her shoulders "No, thank you" Lauren said chuckling "How about you? how was your day?" Mom asked Andy "Uh, bad. I mean you were there." I knew Andy was bullied and it infuriated me I helped every chance I got since I was also President of the disciplinary council I made sure every one of them payed, sometimes falling and breaking their leg but I knew I couldn't always be there for him.

"I meant your classes. Anything interesting?" she asked gently "We had a debate in social studies about the law they want to make to test people with the x-gene and, like, monitor them or whatever idk. Anyways this kid was freaking out I guess his cousin's a mutie or something" I looked at my hands in anger they want to monitor mutants? Test us? You mean kidnap mutants, take their blood, and if they're mutants, harass the shit out of them.

"Mutie, Andy? Racist much?" Lauren scolded Andy "What? Person of genetic difference?" I rolled my eyes at him he was such an idiot sometimes "You're such an ass!" Lauren yelled "Okay, please, you're fighting about social studies class now. Can we not have a normal conversation?" Mum looked between them.

"How was your day, dear?" Mom asked me "Oh yes perfect Andrea!" Andy yelled I glared at him "Someone's jealous" I remarked, annoyed. "Andy!" Mum yelled he huffed and stayed quiet she looked towards me for me to start. "Well after finishing everything for the prom committee I focused my attention on the spring performance coming. Soccer was boring so we're my classes they were easy, also I got an A on my history test-" I stopped for a second to see her reaction and she smiled brightly "That'd great honey!" she said.

"Yea well I had to take action against a few of Andy's bullies and just boring stuff all day" I shrugged "Are you ready for the dance?" she asked I nodded "I have everything but that doesn't mean I don't dread going" I said "I can't wait to leave away from Andy" Lauren mumbled,"Well I can't wait to get away from you too!" Andy yelled "Kids!" she looked between them and sighed returning it back to silence.

time skip

I got to the dance before Andy and Lauren to make sure everything was in order, when it was I just waited and everyone started to arrive they were all annoying people so I avoided them at all cost and just kept a watchful eye on the punch bowl making sure to send those who tried to slip anything into it to the teachers I just loved to make people's lives miserable sometimes.

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