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Minji's pov.

"You'll be fine here?" Hoseok asked, and I laughed. "Not like you care," I replied. Hoseok, Namjoon and some of their men took me to a room where I was to stay. I wouldn't call it much of a bedroom, more of a slumber chamber, but I expected no more from my captors. It was a small room with a bed and a bathroom attached, no windows. The door would be locked and guarded. I looked around my new place and sighed, not knowing how just hours before I was roaming the streets a semi-free woman. I guess those were the consequences of disobedience and the Mafia industry. "Min-" "Save it. You don't care, so stop pretending. I'm going to sleep," I mumbled, cutting Namjoon off by closing the door. I knew there would be people watching me 24/7, and I didn't even care at that moment. I just wanted to sleep and cry. And that's exactly what I did.

When I woke up, all the memories of the night previous came at me all at once. I hadn't a clue what time it was, but I knew there would be no getting back to sleep, so I went to the bathroom and saw a pair of leggings and a t-shirt sitting folded on the side of the bathtub. I put them on and opened my door to two men standing there. They went to take me by the arm, but I pushed them off. "Fucks sake, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just hungry," I stated, and they escorted me to the dining hall where the night previous' events had occurred. It looked much prettier in the light, the morning sunshine dancing around the room, lightening up the faces of six of the boys I had seen the night before. Hoseok greeted me with a nod as I sat down at the table. I glared back at him.

"What do you want to eat?" Namjoon asked without looking up from the documents he was looking through. "Aren't you supposed to, like, I dunno, not let your victim leave their room and feed them bad food and stuff? Isn't that what kidnappers do?" I asked, and Namjoon looked up. I was expecting backlash, but he was smiling. I didn't know why.

"You really like to push people's buttons, don't you?" He asked, and I shrugged. "Just asking," I replied. "Would you rather that?" He asked, and I shrugged again. "If it meant I didn't have to see your faces again, then maybe. Also, where's Yoongi?" I asked. "Sleeping. He was up last night," Hoseok said with a yawn, and I nodded.

"So, you're the boss," I stated after a moment, looking at Namjoon. He looked at me again with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I am," He replied matter-of-factly. "And Yoongi's the Underboss?" Namjoon looked up at me yet again, but this time with a more intrigued expression on his face. "Go on," He prompted. I continued. "I'm not completely sure, but I think Seokjin's Consigliere. No, he has to be. Hoseok's too nice to work as an associate, so I don't know about him. I don't have a clue about anybody else," I finished. Namjoon's furrowed eyebrows relaxed a bit. "You're observant," He stated, and I nodded. "Hoseok-"


Namjoon was interrupted by Hoseok. "Sorry boss, but my name's Hobi."

"Jung Hoseok, that isn't in any way intimidating."

"Look at Minji! She isn't intimidated by us anyway! Plus, I'm 'too nice' to be an associate, which was harsh, but true, so just let me be called what I wanna be called, sir." Namjoon sighed. "Fine. Hoseok, or 'Hobi' as you have been given permission to call him, is our medic," He said. I nodded, it seemed fitting for him. "And you guys?" I asked the three youngest looking ones. Jimin spoke.

"Soldier, same as Tae."

"I'm the computer guy," Jungkook stated after a short silence. I turned my head to the side a bit, examining him. He was interesting. He didn't talk a lot, and seemed quite young, maybe the same age as I was, but he seemed very professional. He always seemed like he had something on his mind. I wanted to know more about Jeon Jungkook.

After breakfast, the guys asked me if I wanted to do some training. I figured I would, seen as I had nothing else to do, and I didn't know how long I would be treated this well, so I agreed. I hadn't shared any information with the guys yet, and I was nervous for when the time came, so I tried to get it out of my head. I made my way to the training room. As soon as the doors opened to the area, my jaw almost dropped.

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