twenty five.

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Minji's pov.

It was around five p.m. before I left my room. I was starving because I hadn't eaten that whole day, but even the possibility of seeing the boss caused my vision to get blurry. I shook my face and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I had to appear strong.

With that in mind, I made my way out of my room, looking hopefully more confident than I felt. As I began to walk down the stairs, I felt someone grab my arm from behind me. I turned around, fearful of it being Namjoon, but the silver haired underboss was stood there instead, unaccompanied. He smiled at me. I returned the gesture. "How are you feeling?" He asked me, sitting down on the top step of the staircase. I sighed, tears threatening to fall again, but I wasn't going to let them. "I'm surviving," I replied, sitting down beside Yoongi on the stairs. He let out a little laugh as he looked ahead.

"Look, I feel sorry for you, but I'm not saying sorry to you. It's not my apology to make, so I'm not going to do it, whether he asks me to or not. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to join me." I turned to him as he grabbed something from behind his back. A bottle of scotch sat in his hands, and my small smile turned into a big one. He rose, and with his free hand, helped me up. "I need to get food first, though." Yoongi nodded. "We'll get some food and then we'll go somewhere where we won't be disturbed... Hoseok can smell alcohol out from anywhere, I'm telling you..."

Yoongi introduced me to the games room, which I hadn't even known existed until that point. It was a bright, open space, with a large tv, some gaming consoles and sofas dotted around the room. A large snooker table was placed in the center of the room. The sofa closest to the tv looked the most used, with a few controllers on the seat. Other than that. however, the room looked almost abandoned, everything neatly in place, untouched. Yoongi made his way to a cabinet on the right wall of the room, taking out two shot glasses and placing them on the table. He sat on the sofa closest to the window and turned his attention to the view of the gardens. I went to sit beside him, popping the bottle of alcohol open and filing both glasses. I handed him a glass as I turned to look out the window too. He practically inhaled the scotch, filling his glass up a second time before I had even finished my first.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be working or whatever?" I asked him, downing my own drink and holding the glass out to him for a refill. He scoffed. "I'm not doing shit for him until he apologizes to you. I understand I'm his underboss, and technically, he could kill me in the blink of an eye, but I'm not working for someone who can't control himself, not even in this industry." I laughed at him a little. "You're not just saying this for me, are you?" He almost choked on the alcohol he had in his mouth. "I don't change for people. Bad things happen to people who change for others."

As the sun set, our alcohol levels rose. By six p.m I was dancing around the snooker table to Itzy, and Yoongi was sitting there laughing at me - even joining in with the rapping parts occasionally, but messing up the words. When the song we were listening to ended, I sat down again, panting from my energetic behavior. "You should've danced with me," I joked, and he laughed in response. "I can't dance," He admitted, and I rolled my eyes. "You said you couldn't sing either, but it turns out that all men do is lie."

The bottle of scotch was long gone by then, both of us far past our tipsy stage. Yoongi tilted his head and rested it on the back of the sofa. He sighed, his chest rising and falling slowly. "You good bro?" I asked, and he chuckled at my question. "Yes, I'm fine bro," He mocked. I hit him with a cushion. "Don't make fun of me." He looked at me . "I'm not making fun of you. I wouldn't do that. I'm respectful," He said, dragging out the 'respectful'. I assumed he was loosely referring to Namjoon, but I had been having such a good time that I had completely forgotten about his existence for a while, and I wanted to keep it that way. "You know, you should write some more songs," I admitted, changing the subject. He raised his eyebrows. "You should help me." I wrinkled my nose. "Absolutely not," I replied, and he tutted. "Ah, you're no fun."

I glared at him, outraged.

"I'm no fun?" Alright, Mister Min. I'll show you fun."

I grabbed the remote, looking up Eminem on YouTube and playing the first song that popped up - The Real Slim Shady. I got up from the sofa and pulled him up with me. He groaned in response. I sighed. "Ah, Yoongi. Come on!" I began rapping with Eminem on the tv. It was slurred, and I stumbled on the words in pretty much every sentence, but it was fun. After the first verse, even Yoongi seemed to lighten up a little. I was sure I looked hilarious and that I would regret the decisions being made when I woke up, but I didn't care.

By the end of the song, Yoongi and I were screaming the lyrics as loud as we could. Or, something close to the lyrics, anyway. "So won't the real Min Yoongi please stand up?!" Yoongi yelled into the remote, acting as if it was a microphone. I laughed hard at him as he did a spin and jazz hands at the end of the song. He flopped on the sofa when the song was over. I laughed even harder. "I'm tired now," He admitted, and I nodded. "I'm sure you are, the 'Real Min Yoongi'," I teased, and he sat upright. "Hey! I mean, I am, so..."

After we had calmed down slightly Yoongi turned to me again. "You know, I feel so bad for you, Minji, I really do," He admitted. The room was silent for the first time since we entered. I furrowed my brows as I urged him to continue. "Well, I mean, you're forced to stay here with us, you're kidnapped again, you find the man who helped kill your grandfather, you're forced to kill your friend, you get scarred for life by Mr Boss man and now you're preparing to go to war with your own family? All in the space of, what, like, a week? What the fuck are we?" I shook my head. "It's this industry that I have been born in, it's here that my fate has taken me. And believe me, Min Yoongi, I was scarred before I stepped foot in this building. If anything, you've just added to my trauma." He tilted his head and I looked down at my feet. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Yoongi. And I'm sure the same goes. But telling my life story would take years and I'm afraid I don't even think I have that much time left in my life. So I'm just believing in fate, because I don't believe that I have anything else to believe in."

He frowned at me. "Trust me, there are plenty of things that you don't know about me - about us. And I'm almost positive that you'd look at us all differently if you knew. But I thought we said no more secrets?" I stared at him. "Well then, will you tell me yours?"

He hesitated before shaking his head.

"That's what I thought, Min Yoongi."

BTS ~ 𝘚𝘦𝘰𝘬 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯 || Seven Deadly Sins || Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now