twenty four.

333 10 4

!TW! [Forceful actions, assault] - again, this is not meant to impersonate anyone. Stay safe.

Minji's pov.

The day after arrived, and although I was feeling better, I was not looking forward to my encounter with Namjoon that was to come. I didn't know what he wanted me for, but even the thought of spending time with him caused my blood to boil.

I made my way downstairs after I had showered, leaving my hair to air dry. I entered the dining hall to see only Namjoon and Jimin, neither of whom were speaking to each other. In fact, they were as far away from each other as possible, and I wondered what happened that I wasn't aware of that had everybody so on edge.

"Minji! You're up bright and early. Are you feeling any better?" Jimin asked all too eagerly, as if he had wanted any excuse to break the uneasy silence in the room. "Yeah, I slept all of yesterday, so I guess it's only logical that I'm awake this early. Why are you up at this hour?" I questioned, but he just shook his head with a small smile. I wondered what that meant.

Namjoon finally looked up. "Are you hungry now?" He questioned, and I shook my head slightly. "Food can wait if there's something I have to do," I replied. He smiled at me, but it had a sort of malevolent undertone. "Great," He said, taking a long sip of his coffee before abandoning it as he stood up and made his way over to me. "Come."

I followed Namjoon to a room that I had never been in. We stood at the door as he fumbled with some keys before finally finding the correct one. He smiled as he put the key into the lock, turning it with a click. He pushed open the door to reveal a bedroom, and he walked inside, indicating for me to follow.

"There are some pictures on my desk over there, I want you to tell me if you recognize anything from them," He stated, motioning for me to go to his desk. He stayed behind me as I moved over to the sleek wooden table, but I couldn't see any photos on the surface.

"I can't find them," I muttered, without turning around. I heard Namjoon chuckle from behind me.

"That's because there aren't any."

I looked towards him as I heard the click of a lock again. Namjoon was holding the keys in his hands, smiling before returning them to his pockets. I stared at him cautiously. "What are you doing?"  I asked, voice quivering, as he stepped closer and closer to me. I was practically sitting on the desk trying to get away from him, he was so close. He sighed as I looked at him. "I don't know how to say this, but I am sorry. I know it doesn't cut it, but I figured you'd want to hear it from my mouth," He admitted. I scoffed. "You had to pull me aside to tell me that?"

He smirked at me before rolling his eyes. "No, silly. I wanted to say that you've been good. Doing what I've wanted, what was asked of you. You haven't been too difficult," He admitted.

Emphasis on the too, of course.

"Okay? I'm not doing that for you. I'm doing that so I don't get my brains blown out," I stated. He laughed lowly, running his hands through his hair. I had to admit, it was a sight, his dimples becoming prominently defined. He moved even closer still, and I fell back onto the table. His right hand moved to being on my hip. "I don't care why you're doing it. Your reasoning doesn't affect me. The main thing is that you' re being good - and do you know what good girls get, Minji?" My spine tingled as he bent his head down, his breath tickling my neck.

"They get rewards."

I pushed him away from me, the keys from his pocket firmly clutched in my hands. Him seemingly getting away with putting his hand on my waist took away from the fact that my hand was slipping into his trouser pocket. I made my way over to the door, trying to figure out which key would fit, but Namjoon just laughed at me. There was about twenty keys on the ring, and I hadn't necessarily being paying attention to what one he used to open the door a few moments prior to the incident.

He began to walk towards me, and my hands began to tremble. "Namjoon, what are you doing?" I repeated, my voice more broken and vulnerable this time. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him, causing me to drop the keys. "Giving you what you deserve, princess," He said slowly. I was too in shock to speak. He grabbed me by my wrists tightly, pressing his lips to mine. Everything seemed so wrong, and I didn't want to do what he wanted at all.

Seemed like a recurring issue.

He pulled away after a moment, and he let his firm grasp on me go once he saw the look in my eyes. I stumbled backwards, trying to distance myself as far away from him as possible. With the wet sensation of my showered hair on my face, I hadn't even realized that I was crying. He stepped backwards too, almost as if someone had snapped him back to reality and he was registering what he had done. He stared at me for a minute before turning furiously to the wall, and hitting it with his fist, leaving his knuckled red. I stared at the man in front of me.

What was he? What had he become? Or were these his true colors that he was only showing now?

"It's the white key.  Leave this room - or I don't know what else I'll do."

Even though I didn't properly understand what he meant, I grabbed the keys and picked out the white covered one with shaky hands. I finally got it into the keyhole after a few tries and I opened the door as quickly as I could, practically running out of the room and down the corridor, back to my own room. I passed a soldier on the way, who looked at me with furrowed brows, but at that time I couldn't care less who stared at me. I banged the door to my room shut as I locked the door behind me, crumpling onto the floor and resting my head in my hands.

Namjoon's pov.

I stared at her as she ran away. The tears started falling from my own eyes then. One of the soldiers who was on their way to training knocked on my door. I didn't even try to hide my anger as he entered. "Sir, I'm sorry, I just- I saw her, a moment ago, and she didn't look the best-" "Get the other six and bring them to my office. It's an emergency." The man bowed to me and rushed away, and I began walking towards my office, too. I was so angry at myself, for each of the decisions I had made in those past 48 hours. I took a deep breath before I entered the room, looking out my window as I waited to be joined by the other Bangtans. This was not good.

"What happened?" Jin asked worriedly as the six of them took a set in my office. I was holding my head in my hands, waiting for their arrival. I sighed as I looked up. "Holy shit Boss, what happened to your hand?" Jungkook asked as he pointed out the red, now bleeding marks across my knuckles. I ignored his question and started with my own statement. "Boys," I began, and they all stared at me, anticipating my news. "The traits. I think.. no, I know. They're coming back."

The boys stared at me in denial. "They never went away, though? They are us, we are them. They've been around," Taehyung said, and there was a chime of agreement.

"I lost control. With Minji."

If anything could've silenced the room, it was those words.

"What are you saying?" Taehyung growled, and I clenched my jaw. "It could've been a lot worse. If i hadn't seen her face... she looked so scared... I hate myself for it. I made her kill her best friend, the one person she was comfortable with outside of this building. And do you know why? Because I wanted her all for myself. I want her all for myself. The soldiers didn't question her loyalty for a moment after they saw her skills with a gun. Do you know why? They were scared. They were scared, but they didn't want to anger her - or one of us - in questioning her. But me, I wanted her for us only. For me only. I locked the two of us in a room and forced myself on her until she was shaking in fear and crying. Is that me? Is that who I am?"

The boys stared at me wide-eyed. Taehyung looked like he was about to kill somebody. He got up from his seat and made his way over to me rage filled, but as soon as he realized what he was doing, he stopped in his tracks. "Fuck," He remarked, questioning his own wrathful actions. "Why would we be going back in that direction though? I mean, last time it was from power. What power do we have now?" Hoseok asked, looking for any way to deny what was occurring. I closed my eyes, the image of Minji flashing before me. I opened them as I answered his question.


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